Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Different scheme, UNAIR disseminates 2023 Student Admission mechanism

UNAIR NEWS – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdibud Ristek) has issued a new scheme for state higher education student admission. As the nation’s leading university, UNAIR has received many requests for information regarding the updated admission schemes.

Therefore, UNAIR held a student admission dissemination on November 24, 2022, to share the new mechanism for 2023 in Airlangga Sharia and Entrepreneurship Education Center (ASEEC) Tower with high school students in East Java.

National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP)

The State University National Entrance Exam (SNMPTN) changed its name to National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP). The new mechanism will use the average value of report cards for all subjects.

The first component is calculated from the average scores of students’ academic reports for all subjects by 50 percent at a minimum. While the second component weighed 50 percent will use scores of two supporting subjects for the selected study program.

In the event, UNAIR Rector Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak explained that the university is given the authority to set the SNBP ratio according to the minimum and maximum rules that have been set.

National Selection Based on Test (SNBT)

While the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN), whose name changed to National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), will only use Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), without the Academic Competency Test (TKA).

“With this policy, the students’ competition will be more flexible because they are not fixated on one field,” Prof Nasih said.

Independent admission

Next year, UNAIR will conduct the Academic Competency Test for its independent admission. “Insya Allah (God willing), we will use the Scholastic Potential Test results from the SNBT,” he said.

As a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH), UNAIR will open student admission for at least 20 percent quota from the SNBP, 30 percent from the SNBT, and 50 percent at a maximum from independent admission.

“To maintain the quality, UNAIR committed to giving a bonus or certain filter for students from the linear track, meaning having the relevance of the study period in high school with the study program,” the Rector said.

Author: Stefanny Elly

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh