UNAIR NEWS – The East Java Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) has just established a collaboration with Universitas Airlangga on Friday, June 10, 2022. The collaboration is in the form of East Java State Civil Apparatus (ASN) training with SDGs perspective.
The collaboration was carried out in areas related to Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 17. It was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Head of BPSDM East Java Aries Agung Paewai SSTP MM and the Head of SDGs Center UNAIR, Bayu Arie Fianto SE MBA PhD at East Java BPSDM Jl. Balongsari Tama, Tandes, Surabaya.
The signing of the cooperation was witnessed directly by Governor Khofifah and the Head of the Indonesian State Administration Agency (LAN) Dr Adi Suryanto MSi. This collaboration is expected to impact and benefit community services greatly.
In front of the guests, Governor Khofifah emphasized that regional apparatus organizations (OPD) should open up more networks, expand cooperation with various parties, always think ahead, and come up with creative ideas beneficial to the community.
“We need references in an imperative way to mainstream the SDGs so that they are integrated into all programs. If we feel we are not optimal in one thing, it’s okay for us to improve. However, don’t restrain our staff from being creative, coming up with creative ideas, staying innovative,” she explained.
Governor Khofifah also requested that the achievement of the SDGs be integrated into the mainstream of development so that every development will be linked with 17 sustainable development goals.
“Because we have a great diversity of ethnicities, religions, and customs, I expect the implementation of the SDGs in all innovation and leadership programs in the bureaucracy do not leave anyone behind or feel left out in each process,” said Governor Khofifah.
Meanwhile, Head of Indonesian LAN Adi Suryanto also appreciated the collaboration of East Java BPSDM with SDGs Center UNAIR. According to Adi, this collaboration will be a leap that can be used as a guide for other places to act similarly.
“This is a new innovation. And I believe this is possible to be imitated by other places, “he said.
On that occasion, the East Java BPSDM have established seven new collaborations, including the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the East Java Provincial Government and BNN RI and the East Java BPSDM and UNAIR SDGs Center.
Also, the collaboration between the East Java BPSDM and Gorontalo’s Education and Training Agency, East Java BPSDM with BKD Kediri Regency, East Java BPSDM with Nganjuk Regency BKPSDM, and finally, East Java BPSDM with Trenggalek Regency BKD.
Author: Agung Santoso
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh