Research on caring is growing, considering that the marketing wave of health services has now changed from service excellence to the care with character era. These changes emphasize caring behavior as the main principle in determining the quality of nursing and health services in general. Caring Islami will color in providing nursing services in Islamic-based hospitals. According to Leininger, although caring has a universal meaning, its expression varies across cultures.1However, the implementation of Islamic caring in Islamic-affiliated hospitals and the factors that influence is not been widely studied.
Several previous studies have analyzed several factors that influence caring. For example, prior study examined the relationship between individual factors and organizational factors, using logistic regression, the study found that the factors related to caring were organizational factors, namely the reward system. In addition, another previous study examined factors related to caring behavior, including individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors; using the chi Square test, the study found there was a significant relationship between individual factors, psychological factors and organizational factors with six dimensions of caring behavior. Other earlier studies also examined the factors related to caring, including rewards, length of work, and motivation; by using chi-square, the study found that there was a relationship between appreciation and length of work with caring behavior, and there was no significant relationship between motivation and caring behavior of nurses. Other researchers examined the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with caring behavior using Chi Square, and found there was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes with caring behavior. A study by Kartini, examined the individual factors of nurses related to caring by using the CGI Square test, the study found that the individual factors associated with caring were emotional intelligence.
Although there are many studies on caring and its related factors, there is not much research on Islamic caring and related factors. Islamic Caring is important to apply to Islamic-based health care institutions, where the majority of patients who come and are treated in hospitals are Muslim. For Muslim patients, it has its own procedures in the worship system and it must also be fulfilled by nurses, so that the patient’s physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs are met. The application of Islamic Caring is likely to increase patient satisfaction, such as the findings of earlier study which in turn can lead to patient loyalty to the hospital.
Although there are many studies on caring and its related factors, there is not much research on Islamic caring and related factors. Islamic Caring is important to apply to Islamic-based health care institutions, where the majority of patients who come and are treated in hospitals are Muslim. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify Islamic caring in an Islamic hospital that is carried out in Surabaya, and to analyze the influencing factors including organizational factors, occupational factors and individual factors of nurses. The results of this study will be useful to provide input for hospital management to improve nurse performance.
The study results’ show that most (51%) nurses show good Islamic Caring behavior. This shows that nurses in providing nursing services have implemented behavior with compassion, concern, gentleness, based on devotion to the most merciful God. Nurses who have shown Islamic caring behavior well means that they have carried out their duties as programmed by the leadership of an Islamic hospital that in providing services, nurses and all officers must provide services in a friendly, polite, courteous, fast, safe for patients, trustworthy, and friendly manner. accompanied by the accompaniment of prayers in every action. The program launched in Islamic hospitals is in accordance with earlier study stated Islamic literature that caring includes 4 dimensions, namely caring for God, caring for oneself, caring for others and caring for the environment. This study also supports previous research conducted at the Jemursari Islamic Hospital Surabaya that most (55%) had good caring behavior and from other hospitals, that the caring behavior of nurses is mostly (82.5%) in the good category.
In Islamic nursing, caring is based on promoting well-being and healing and concentrating on all domains of nursing care and the relationships between different human dimensions (bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions). It is expected that nurses can provide optimal care. Caring actions in Islam are focused on helping the patient’s belief in God (Lovering, 2008 in Ismail et al., 2015); including respecting and respecting the beliefs of the patient, helping to purify, praying according to the patient’s ability, dhikr such as reading Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Astaghfirulloh and other readings that are believed to help relieve pain, reading the Qur’an, reading healing prayers, reading sholawat, service providers are nurses of the same gender. Islam explained that as humans, we have an obligation to do good to fellow human beings as well as directives in relationships in society, based on the word of Allah SWT in QS. Ali ‘Imran Verse 159. Akhlaq of a nurse according to the Islamic view, a nurse is always used as a role model by every patient, therefore a nurse must have the attitude: Sincere, friendly and respectful. Guidance, compassion, patience and not easily angered, being calm, keeping secrets, pleasing appearance, always appearing clean and tidy, devotion to the profession and God. Watson stated that caring cannot be passed down from one generation to the next through genetics but through the culture of the profession. Professional culture can be achieved by fostering a caring spirit among nurses through a continuous process of socialization, management, cooperation, symbols, and rituals or habits. The results of this study recommend the importance of human resource management starting from planning, namely accuracy in employee selection, instilling the vision-mission and goals of the organization in each starting with indoctrination since the appointment of new employees. Future studies with better study design are required to obtain further explanation and minimize the study limitations about the topics.
Author: Yanis Kartini, Nursalam, Ahsan, Khamida, Immatul Faizah, Ratna Yunitasari
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