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Faculty of Nursing UNAIR researchers develop room temperature detection and air conditioning tools

Potret Ketua Peneliti, Dr Yulis Setiya Dewi S Kep Ns M Kep, Peneliti yang Menciptakan Alat SIMOURA (Sumber: Rosita)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga researcher Dr. Yulis Setiya Dewi S Kep Ns M Ng, along with her research team members, Prof Dr. Kusnanto S Kp M Kes, Prof Dr. Nursalam M Nurs (Hons), Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT, Dr. Ahsan S Kp M Kes, Prof Tomoko Hasegawa Ph.D. MPH RN, Ns Sri Purwanti S Kep, Ns Ratu Izza Auwah Mairo S Kep, Hidayat Arifin S Kep Ns M Kep, Arina Qonaah S Kep Ns M Kep, and Rifky Octavia Pradipta S Kep Ns M Kep, developed Simoura (Sistem Informasi Monitoring Ruangan dan Udara), a room temperature detection and air conditioning tools for the infection treatment room.

“Two supporting factors in virus transmission are air condition management and the treatment room. To prevent the transmission, the setting for the patient treatment room requires an integrated system between the treatment and room sanitation monitoring,” said Dr. Yulis to UNAIR NEWS on Thursday, December 29, 2022.

It is important to reduce the viral infection from the patient to the healthcare workers through airborne particles and aerosol droplets. In a wide spectrum, the microscopic particles and droplets are produced by coughing, sneezing, talking, and breathing.

“Simoura can detect the room temperature and humidity, measure room carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia, and body temperature,” she said.

In the development stage, Simoura received appreciation and supports from the nurses. Various feedbacks were given to optimize the tools on the field. “We conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with the room leader, nurses, experts, and the members of HIPERCCI (Indonesia Critical Care Nurses Association) of East Java. Alhamdulillah [thank God], we’ve received tremendous support and feedback, such as adding the medical record item,” she added.

Registering intellectual property rights

Dr. Yulis also registered her work to the Intellectual Property Rights (HKI). HKI aims to protect the exclusive rights of the inventors of the Simoura tools.

“In the beginning, we tested the tools after the improvement from the FGD. Once we consider it fits, we registered the Simoura to the HKI with the help of the Institute of Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) UNAIR,” she said.

Dr. Yulis also advised that in facing the disruption era, a nurse must be able to create innovations as a part of professional dedication.

Author: Rosita

Editor: Nuri Hermawan