UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) celebrated its 52th anniversary on Saturday, January 6, 2024. Held on the first floor of the faculty building, the event promoted the harmonious bond between alumni.
“FKH’s anniversary is actually on January 1st, but because it overlaps with a national holiday, we’re celebrating it today,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Dr. Mirni Lamid, drh., M.P.
However, the anniversary celebration has been held with numerous activities since November. The venue of the celebration was different from last year.
“We are hosting the faculty’s anniversary on the first floor this year. Thus, it will no longer be held in the Tandjung Auditorium Building. This is our newly renovated faculty. This year also marks the opening of Indonesia’s first anatomy museum,” she said.

Offering new opportunities
Prof. Mirni named the achievements of the lecturers and students, which is shown by multiple study visits and student exchanges on the international stage.
“Our achievements have mostly involved Malaysia. Yesterday, we also had study visits in Taiwan with NTU, National Chung Hsing University, and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST),” she said.
The dean explained that the collaboration opens up considerable opportunities for the students to enrol in Double Degree programs. She also stated that she would ensure students can participate in this program for free at one of the overseas campuses.
“We’ve visited and discussed with NPUST in Taiwan. We will make every effort to make it possible for students to participate in the Double Degree program for free, insya Allah,” she said.
Author: Rosita
Editor: Nuri Hermawan