UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and Financial Services Authority (OJK) Institute held cooperation in supporting the implementation of the Freedom to Learn Independent Campus (MBKM) program. The support began with signing a cooperation agreement between both parties in a public lecture event on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall FEB UNAIR.
The agreement signing session was represented by the Dean of FEB UNAIR Prof Dr Dian Agustia SE MSi AK CMA CA and the Department Head of OJK Institute Dr Agus Sugiarto SH MBA and witnessed by UNAIR Rector Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak with the Chairman of the OJK Board of commissioners Prof. Wimboh Santoso SE MSc PhD.
In his welcoming speech, the Rector of UNAIR expressed the importance of collaboration and establishing a good relationship between academicians and practicians. It is related to an educational purpose of Universitas Airlangga, improving the relevance of its graduates.
“We hoped that there are no graduates (of UNAIR) who are irrelevant with the world they are struggling in the future,” stated the Rector of UNAIR, Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak.
Prof Nasih added that the relevance of education and its implementation in the real world would maximize someone stepping into a career in the future. Therefore, he hoped that the financial industry, such as OJK, Bank Indonesia (BI), and other industries, support university programs, especially those concerning education relevance.
“With a relevant education, all can provide the best contribution,” concluded Prof Nasih.
In this, FEB UNAIR cooperates in the Freedom to Learn Independent Campus internship program at OJK. The cooperation includes a chance in the form of study activity, involvement in project or research activities, and an internship experience in the OJK environment for the students of FEB UNAIR who are eligible.
For information, MBKM is a program designed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. This program aims to encourage students to master various sciences as provisions for pursuing future careers. There are 8 MBKM programs, namely Student Exchange, Internship or Work Practice, Teaching Assistant in education, Experiment or Research units, Humanitarian Projects, Entrepreneurial Activities, Independent Studies or Projects, and Building villages or Thematic Community Service Program (KKNT).
Author: Haryansyah Setiawan
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia