UNAIR NEWS – Efforts to enhance environmental health quality in companies are crucial for achieving sustainable work standards. Through environmental sanitation analysis activities, students from the Public Health Program of the Faculty of Health Science, Medicine, and Natural Sciences (FIKKIA) at Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi are striving to realize this objective.
Taking place at CV Beton Mas in Kalipuro Sub-District, Banyuwangi Regency, the students conducted inspections focusing on environmental cleanliness, production facilities, and personal hygiene of employees on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The students involved were Stevin Devan Taragitha, Hilyana Alifia, Cindi Tri Septiani, Afidah Nur Ainisa, and Heca Anggreana.
Promoting sustainable enterprises through hygiene and sanitation
Group leader Stevin Devan Taragitha explained that the assessment guidelines were based on Ministerial Regulation No. 70 of 2016 concerning sanitation, building locations, places of worship, smoking areas, and health facilities. In general, the students analyzed the environmental conditions and comprehended sanitation conditions. They also identified practices and monitoring steps for hygiene and sanitation usage to assess the environmental quality at CV Beton Mas.
“It includes understanding the efforts made to maintain cleanliness and health in the surrounding environment,” she stated.
Supervision and evaluation of cleanliness and sanitation practices were implemented in the environment. This initiative is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, and SDGs No. 6, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all.

Facility improvement
The analysis revealed that the handling of materials in paving block production at CV Beton Mas has met standards, including the spacing between production processes, material preparation, and the use of modern equipment to enhance production and quality. However, there is room for improvement in some facilities. Stefan suggested that the company conduct regular evaluations of facilities to ensure the sustainability of the working environment’s quality. This includes enhancing the availability of adequate health facilities such as handwashing stations, bathrooms, and health equipment.
“Based on our group’s analysis at CV Beton Mas Banyuwangi, the facilities and working environment there are quite satisfactory. There is a need to expand or enhance the bathroom facilities for workers to be adequate and comfortable to use,” said the FIKKIA Class of 2022 student.
Beyond facilities, companies can pay more attention to environmental health through various means. First, by increasing education and outreach on environmental health. Second, by implementing special programs for environmental management. Third, by enforcing regulations aimed at maintaining the health and safety of workers, such as the use of masks in the workplace.
Author: Azhar Burhanuddin
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia