UNAIR NEWS – Denteam of the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held another Dental Health Education (DHE) on Saturday, May 28, 2022. The event called the community to understand the role of dental and oral health in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially on Good Health and Well-Being point.
In the occasion, a lecturer of Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Dini Setyowati drg MPH PhD was presented as the keynote speaker. She explained that SDGs targeting health fields could only be fulfilled if the community has fulfilled the physical, social, and mental health.
Thus, oral and dental health became important. Individuals who experience oral and dental problems will commonly experience decreasing life quality in physical, social, psychological, and financial aspects.
Therefore, if good oral and dental health cannot be accomplished, the third pillar of the SDGs will not be achieved even though every other health aspect is fulfilled,” added the Department of Dental Public Health lecturer.
She also emphasized the importance of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Indonesian Health Card. Through these programs, the community will be able to access affordable health services quickly.
At the same event, the Denteam crew also presented dissemination of oral and dental introduction and how to keep mouth and teeth healthy. The webinar then proceeded with a free consultation with 90 zoom meeting participants.
The consult session was provided by drg Riddo Adli Rudhanton and drg Maya Eka Ramadhani. They answered some questions from the dissemination participants collected through Google form. There was an interactive discussion rounding out a successful knowledge transfer to the participants.
DHE itself is a regular event from Denteam to improve the communities’ knowledge about the oral and dental health. Imam Safari Azhar drg MKes, as the Student Affairs Representative of FKG UNAIR, emphasized that the event was an effort to achieve sustainability in contributing to the community.
Author: Intang Arifia
Editor: Feri Fenoria