Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FKM Student Executive Board holds RUBIK to discuss digitalization in healthcare

Presentation by Setiaji ST MSi in Discussion on Current Issues (RUBIK). (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In the current pandemic era, people must be able to adapt to coexist with Covid-19. It leads to online business activities through the use of digital technology in all activities ranging from the economic to the healthcare sector. Therefore, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR held RUBIK 1 (Discussion on Current Issues) on “Digital Economy, Bridge to Improve Indonesia’s Health Status?”

The activity held on Sunday, May 8, 2022, through the Zoom Meeting platform, presented two speakers who are experts in their fields, Director of Economic and Maritime Information and Communication, Septriana Tangkary SE MM, and the Chief Digital Transformation Office of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Setiaji ST MSi.

On this occasion, Setiaji explained digitalization in the world of healthcare in Indonesia. He said that the digitalization of healthcare cannot be separated from the use of technology. “Digitalization of healthcare is how the system can record all our healthcare activities since the beginning of life since we were in the womb,” said Aji.

The use of digital technology in healthcare is expected to make it easier for health workers to provide services to patients. In fact, continued Aji, currently, the healthcare data records are scattered and can hamper health services.

“Therefore, all future healthcare activities will be recorded well, from hospitals, laboratories, and all healthcare services until the person concerned dies. All the data will be saved in the app we develop, peduli lindungi,” he said.

Moreover, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has established a Digital Transformation Office (DTO). According to him, this DTO is similar to a start-up, the only difference is that it works in the government sector. Aji explained that there were four things that were mandated to the Indonesian Ministry of Health: data integration, data efficiency, collaboration, and digital capacity improvement, especially health human resources.

“The most important thing is collaboration, wherein this covid pandemic we learn that collaboration is essential to improve in terms of services and the digital ecosystem,” he explained.

Regarding this activity, the person in charge, Leona Adinda, revealed that all participants were enthusiastic about this RUBIK activity. ” RUBIK I this time was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants, it was seen from the attending participants that actively asked questions during the discussion,” she said.

At the end, Leona hopes that similar activities can be a forum for students to voice their opinions on issues currently being discussed.

Author: Indah Ayu Afsari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan