Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Getting to know 3 types of internships at Ministry of Finance

Rudy Yulianto, Sub-Division Head of Human Resource Recruitment, explains the types of internships at the Ministry of Finance in “Great Talents with Magang Merdeka Internship Program of the Finance Ministry of Indonesia” webinar on Friday, July 15, 2022.

UNAIR NEWS – Securing internship opportunities gets easier for students. Through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, students can easily select the types of internships that fit their interests. The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Indonesia becomes one of the institutions that provide internship opportunities for students.

UNAIR Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA) invited Rudy Yulianto, the Sub-Division Head of Human Resource Recruitment, to share the types of internships at the Ministry of Finance on “Great Talents with Magang Merdeka Internship Program of Indonesian Ministry of Finance” webinar.

“This year, we have several internship programs at Ministry of Finance which are classified into three groups. There are regular internships, MoU internships with universities, and thematic internships a.k.a. certified internship and independent study,” Rudy said on Friday, July 15, 2022.

Regular internship

The regular internship is an open program for all students interested in working or interning at the Ministry of Finance. In 2022, the program is conducted through 4 periodizations with requirements as follows.


1. Letter of statement from the university

2. Internship proposal (program planning, date, internship unit)

3. Curriculum vitae

4. Transcript

Send the required documents to kemenkeu.prime@kemenkeu.go.id

MoU internships with universities

This program targeted students from Ministry of Finance’s partner universities. The 6-month program–which will be conducted in the form of internships, training, lectures by the Ministry of Finance employees, joint research, panel discussions, and workshops–can be equalized to 20 credits.

“Currently, Kemenkeu partners up with three state universities. We are going to add some targeted universities by this year. As we have not signed MoU with UNAIR, students may apply for the other two internship programs [regular and thematic],” Rudy added.

Thematic internship (MSIB)

The thematic internship (MSIB) program, which is equal to 20 credits, will be conducted per theme according to the ministry’s needs. The internship will be mentored by professional experts and reported to the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud).

The thematic internship is a partnered-up program between the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) and Kemdikbud. In 2022, Kemenkeu opens two MSIB intern positions for Full Stack Developer and Data Analyst.

“Those two positions are specifically for students with IT background,” he said.

The thematic internship can be applied from the MSIB portal on the Kemendikbud Kampus Merdeka website. Certain requirements are applied for the regular internship online registration, while the second program can be applied through the academic staff of the university.

More information on Ministry of Finance internship programs can be found on the HR Department of Ministry of Finance’s official page or Ministry of Finance social media pages.

 Author: Affan Fauzan