UNAIR NEWS – Meningitis is a disease caused by infection. This disease attacks the protective lining of the brain and spinal cord. If not treated properly, it will cause seizures, kidney failure, and death.
This disease may strike anybody from any range of age, but prevention can still be done. One way is by vaccination. People who are going to go on Umrah or Hajj get advice to get a meningitis vaccine first because the Middle East is one of the countries where meningitis is endemic.
However, currently, Indonesia has not independently produced meningitis vaccines. The government supplies the meningitis vaccine by importing it from abroad. Seeing this challenge, Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RS) has the initiative to create its meningitis vaccine.
To carry out this mission, UNAIR Hospital cooperates with a company from China, CanSino Biologics. Prof Dr Nasronuddin dr SpPD KPTI FINASIM, as Director of UNAIR Hospital said that the vaccine development process is going well so far.
Phase 3 clinical trials
The development of the vaccine is currently in the phase 3 clinical trial process. One of the requirements for phase 3 clinical trials is obtaining permission from the relevant institution. “We are reporting that, at the moment, the vaccine will go on to 3 clinical trials,” he said.
Furthermore, Prof. Nasron added that there are things that are no less important in clinical trial 3. “So in this clinical trial we ensure that if side effects arise, we will take measures to handle them. We also provide insurance for volunteers,” he added.
The UNAIR Hospital ensures that the procedures for the phase 3 clinical trial to be carried out are following the standards. Prof. Nasron is optimistic that the phase 3 clinical trial will run smoothly. “For this meningitis vaccine, we are much more optimistic because we have experience testing the Merah Putih and west pac vaccines for DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever),” he said.
One thousand five hundred volunteers will participate in this phase 3 clinical trial. The requirements to become a volunteer include having never received a vaccine and never been exposed to meningitis. “I am sure these volunteers won’t be difficult to find because many have not received the vaccine and have not been exposed. It is different from the first Covid-19,” he explained.
International standard clinical trial facility
Prof. Nasron explained that the permit to conduct phase 3 clinical trials is expected to be issued in July 2023. “After the permit is issued, we will carry out phase 3 clinical trials,” he explained. UNAIR Hospital has international standard facilities for clinical trials. “Our Graha Trimed Building has a special floor for clinical trials. It is in accordance with international standards. We also have the Human Resources (HR),” he explained.
Prof. Nasron hopes that the meningitis vaccine that UNAIR Hospital will produce will be a proof that Indonesia can become an independent country. “Other countries can produce their own vaccines, Indonesia can definitely do it as well,” he concluded.
Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh