UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has invited Rector of IPB University Prof. Dr. Arif Satria SP MSi in the Leadership Meeting and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung Ballroom. The 14th Rector of IPB University explained the dynamics of university internationalization development in gaining global recognition.
Prof. Arif revealed various scenarios for university development, from the four Future Higher Education scenarios, the Australian scenario, to the OECD scenario.
“However, at least in Indonesia, in my opinion, there are three scenarios. Namely, global research university, entrepreneurship university, and superior competence university,” he said.
Prof. Arif added that universities are facing three mega-disruptions and challenges: climate change, the industrial revolution 4.0, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In our place (IPB university), we encourage the realization of technopreneurship. One of them is through the construction of IPB’s science techno park (STP), “he said.
From the research and innovation results, STP has become an incubator for technology development and partnerships, technology business incubation. Next, technology transfer services; intellectual property management, and commercialization of innovations.
“An example of IPB’s technopreneurship, we have the Serambi Botani brand. There are 15 outlets spread across Indonesia,” he said.

The technopreneurship collaborates with various elements of the farming community around IPB University. He encourages the internationalization of these activities through the export of innovative products.
“For example, the product innovation of Calina papaya which has spread to 11 countries, 88 regencies and 38 cities in Indonesia,” he said.
In addition, PK1 pineapple products have been exported to Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Including Goathai’s innovative product, composted manure.
“This product (Goathai) has been exported in 11 countries,” he said.
In the academic field, Prof. Arif explained that IPB university encourages the development of international education consortia. Next is the improvement of international accreditation and certification of study programs.
“In 2021, there were additional nine international education consortiums. By 2022, there will be a total of 41 consortiums,” he said.
Moreover, their academic sector is strengthened with 12 dual degree programs, 12 double degree programs, and 437 credit earnings, including international conferences and summer courses.
“In the field of research, we have held an international research consortium. There are about 370 MoUs or MoAs that we are currently making. Including Scopus publications, which are our focus,” he said.
“For community outreach, we hold international community service for our students, for example, with the SUIJI (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia) program.
In the end, Prof. Arif concluded the discussion with a quote from Charles Darwin that those who survive are not the strongest and smartest but the most responsive to change.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” said Prof. Arif, ending his presentation.
Author: Feri Fenoria