Indonesia’s maternal death rate is high. In cutting down the death rate, a simpler counselling education to prevent the risk pregnancy cases is needed in order to raise the bride and groom’s awareness of high-risk pregnancy. Poedji Rochjati Score Card (PRSC) is a score card that is used as a family-based antenatal screening tool to find risk factors for pregnant women. Furthermore, the card makes it easier to recognize conditions experienced by pregnant women to prevent obstetric complications during childbirth. This card has been used especially in East Java to group of pregnant women at risk according to the score and early detection of high-risk pregnancy. However, the PRSC has not been used in the preconception counselling and was given to the respondents who come with or without their partner.
the counselling materials were described respectively all 20 items, namely 1) too young to be pregnant (≤ 16 years); 2) too old for the first pregnancy (≥ 35 years); 3) pregnancy interval ≥ 10 years; 4) pregnancy interval ≤ 2 years; 5) having > 4 children; 6) too old to be pregnant (≥ 35 years); 7) too short (≤ 145 cm); 8) history of miscarriage; 9) previous labour with forceps/ vacuum, manual placenta, infusion/transfusion; 10) history of caesarean section; 11) disease in pregnancy (anaemia, malaria, TBC, cardiac disease, diabetes, STI); 12) edema in pregnancy (face and feet) and high blood pressure; 13) twin pregnancy; 14) hydramnion; 15) intra uterine fatal death; 16) postdate; 17) breech position; 18) transverse lie position; 19) bleeding during pregnancy; 20) preeclampsia/eclampsia.
Counseling was delivered for 20 minutes. Knowledge was assessed prior and after interventions using questionnaires in pre- and post-tests. There was an increase in the average score of the bride or groom’s knowledge who come with or without their partner. While the group which did not receive counseling there has no knowledge increase found. Among groups that received counseling, the use of KSPR was equally good for increasing the knowledge of groups who came with or without partners.
This finding found that on average brides are married after finishing high school and even through college. Based on Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning in 2017, these data also indicate that most respondents had met their target, namely to increase the participation of women at school and delaying age at marriage. Education level helps to determine a person’s ability to absorb and learn knowledge. There are external factors that affect a person’s knowledge, namely education, mass media exposure, economic, social relationships, and experience. The difference of pre-married knowledge before and after counseling using PRSC may come from clients, counselors, materials and the media given counselors. Basically, counseling is a method of helping clients to acknowledge their conditions, problems and to find alternative to solve the problems.
In this study, counseling provision was not to find out the problems experienced by the bride and groom as respondents, but for the purposes of prevention through building up awareness of women about problems that can affect pregnancy, so that they can make decisions; managing and modifying risk factors. This study showed that counselling increased knowledge of brides who came with or without their partners. In this study, we noticed that when answering the pre-test and post-test questions, the pre-married women who came with their partners had a discussion to determine the answer options, but basically the women were able to answer the questions presented in the questionnaire on their own. Through this research, it can be concluded that the provision of counseling only to the bride is sufficient to increase knowledge about high-risk pregnancies. There had been no other studies on premarital women that differ knowledge with or without their partners.
Authors: Naomy Simanungkalit, Samsriyaningsih Handayani, M. Ilham Aldika Akbar