UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has inaugurated another four professors from Faculty of Medicine. This addition of new professors is expected to improve the academic climate on campus and sharpen UNAIR’s role further on the national and international stage.
The four professors who were inaugurated were Prof Dr Anggraini Dwi Jenisiati Dr Sp Rad(K) in the field of Head and Neck Neurology and Clinical Radiology; Prof Dr Nyilo Purnami dr SpTHT-KL(K) FICS in the field of Community Neurotology; Prof Dr Ahmad Suryawan dr SpA(K) in the field of Infant and Child Growth and Development; and Prof Dr Komang Agung Irianto S dr SpOT(K) in the field of Orthopedic Spine.
“The job of a professor is to develop knowledge. We have the sword, we have the keris, we have the baton, and we have the scientific authority to develop it,” concluded UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, in his speech at the Professor Inauguration event, Wednesday, September 6, 2023, in the Hall Garuda Mukti, Universitas Airlangga.
Focus on Tri Dharma of higher education
UNAIR Rector emphasized a professor’s importance in carrying out academic activities and focusing on the tri dharma of higher education. He said there are quite a few academics with decreasing productivity after a full professorship. It should be a lesson for all academic people.
“Don’t let this professorship wither before it grows. The way to do this is by continuing research and education as well as possible,” he said.
The rector also explained that the love of science will develop science. This love benefits not only the world’s people but can become a charity that will not be interrupted when we die.
For him, a professorship is not the end of the educational process. However, it is a new beginning of a longer, challenging educational process. With this promotion, the responsibilities and roles should be higher than before.
Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia