Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Inaugurating three professors, UNAIR Rector calls to empathize with nature

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Rector Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak inaugurated three new professors of Universitas Airlangga. The addition of new professors further enhances UNAIR’s global recognition. The inauguration ceremony took place on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at Garuda Mukti Hall, MERR (C) Campus, UNAIR.

The inaugurated professors are Prof Iman Harymawan SE MBA PhD in the field of Sustainability Accounting and Governance; Prof Dr Phil Toetik Koesbardiati in the field of Palaeoanthropology; and Prof Dr Joni Wahyuhadi dr SpBS MARS in the field of Glioma Molecular and Surgery.

“The addition of professors is an outstanding present for us. Today is a very special day. Congratulations to all the professors,” Prof Nasih said in his welcoming speech.

Beginning of Great Beneficence

The professor title is not the end of a journey. Instead, it is a beginning of great beneficence and responsibility. Every educator must be able to be accountable for their commitment and integrity, recognizing the difficulty and challenges of the journey to becoming a professor. Their expertise and proficiency will further accelerate the progress of education.

“This is the beginning of more genuine, significant, and noble dedication to developing and advancing civilization together,” he added.

Communicate with nature

Prof Nasih stated that every creature and object on earth fundamentally possesses a ‘soul’. Therefore, humans should bring benefits and goodness to all creatures.

“It’s us who cannot communicate with them. It’s not that they do not speak; rather, we cannot comprehend them,” said the Faculty of Economics and Business professor.

He reminded the audience to develop sympathy, empathy, and care for the surroundings. The signs the universe gives are clear and it is up to us to perceive them. When the Earth is increasingly warmer, it is essentially a signal for humanity to take immediate steps for change.

“Only knowledgeable individuals can communicate with nature. It requires expertise to perceive the communication from all creatures, including diseases, deceased individuals, and even corporations,” he said.

Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani

Editor  : Binti Q. Masruroh