Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Indonesian Rectors’ Forum: UNAIR Rector highlights the importance of human resource development

UNAIR NEWS – The 19th Campus Convention and the 25th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Rectors’ Forum (FRI) were officially held. FRI explores ‘The Role of Higher Education in Realizing Superior, Innovative, and Adaptive Human Resources Towards Golden Indonesia 2045’ this year. The forum was held at Graha Unesa, Campus II of the Universitas Negeri Surabaya, on January 15 to 16, 2024.

President Joko Widodo, several ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Chairman of the FRI 2022-2023 and Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak were among the guests.

“Indeed, educational institutions, particularly universities, play a crucially strategic role for this nation. The rectors also bear significant responsibility and influence,” President Joko Widodo said.

The president addressed the audience with a speech on the importance of education for the nation’s development. Regarding the spread of students abroad, he believed that Indonesia is far below China and India. Young generations must be equipped with relevant education.

Therefore, specific actions must be taken to develop high-quality human resources, especially in facing the demographic dividend in the future. The immense natural resources should not lull people to sell them without added value.

“Having abundant natural resources is not enough for a country to advance. Most importantly, we need high-quality human resources. Second, top-notch science, technology, and innovation are required,” he said.

The FRI is committed to developing a high-quality and sustainable education. FRI encourages universities to stand more independently in making innovations and contributions.

“FRI is honored to contribute to accelerating the preparation of Indonesia Onwards in 2034, not 2045,” Chairman of FRI 2022/2023 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak stated.

He believed that Indonesia needs educated, healthy, and trained human resources, which becomes the goal of education. The government’s targets in various aspects, such as seven percent economic growth, can be realized with high-quality human resources.

“The cost per student in Indonesia is still significantly low compared to other countries. If this cost is increased, our Gross Enrollment Ratio (APK), which was initially at around 39 percent, may improve,” he said.

If the Gross Enrollment Ratio (APK) rises, a country’s Human Development Index (HDI) has the potential to improve. Hence, creating a comfortable, educational environment for all academic communities is essential.

Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani

Editor  : Khefti Al-Mawalia