UNAIR NEWS – The Indonesian government has reopened opportunities for sea sand exports after implementing Government Regulation No. 26 of 2023 concerning Marine Sediment Management. The Ministry of Trade further revised the 20-year export ban with the release of Ministerial Regulation No. 20/2024 and No. 21/2024.
The process of exporting sea sand can disrupt the ecological balance of marine waters, especially in areas that serve as the center for sand dredging and sediment extraction for export. Intensive coastal sand mining may lead to seawater intrusion, which risks rising saltwater levels encroaching further inland.
Collaboration between local communities and the government is essential to stop sand mining activities aimed at export. The government must take a firm stance against environmentally harmful practices that have limited benefits. Meanwhile, public involvement is crucial to monitor and support the effective enforcement of this policy.
Threatening coastal ecosystem, UNAIR lecturer highlights sea sand export policy