UNAIR NEWS – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) is collaborating with Universitas Airlangga to improve the quality of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI). A Focus Group Discussion entitled “Improving Human Resources Quality: Indonesian migrant workers and their families” was held in the Tarumanagara Room, ASEEC Tower Building, Dharmawangsa B Campus UNAIR on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.
The FGD first speaker, Dr. Femmy Eka Kartika Putri M.Psi, Minister Expert Staff for Economic Resources Utilization, gave an introduction for the first discussion and Maradona SH LLM PhD, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Law UNAIR, delivered introduction to the second discussion.
The event was also attended by Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih MSi as Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Community Development (RICD) Universitas Airlangga, vice deans of faculties of Universitas Airlangga, representative of Provincial Social Service, and researchers related to immigrant workers.
Dr. Femmy Eka said that 7,200 PMI were sent home from Malaysia under challenging conditions, such as skin diseases, stress, and mental health disruption. He continued that many PMI, especially youth, were deceived by online job vacancies from abroad.
Therefore, she continued, all elements from social services and related services as well as corporate CSR in East Java are expected to work together in dealing with migrant worker issues. “This is what we ask, ladies and gentlemen, an increase in access to information, education regarding digital literacy, and financial inclusion literacy for PMI Purna (retired migrant workers),” she said.
Meanwhile, in the second discussion, Maradona conveyed the Role of Research, Innovation, and Community Development (RICD) UNAIR in empowering the retired migrant workers. He said the track record of research on migrant workers would be interesting if it could be conveyed to the public and authorities so that decisions could be made based on academic studies.
Maradona said that communication in the digital world, established between PMI and local citizens where they work, had an impact on their activities including terrorism. Therefore, Madonna continued, his party held FGD with representatives of migrant workers through their NGOs from Hong Kong, Taiwan, workers’ associations in Malaysia, and several stakeholders and produced a pocketbook.
“The pocketbook is designed in simple language so that migrant workers can understand it and can be accessed for free on Google Books. The book provides insight to immigrant workers on how to avoid radical movements, knowledge about Indonesian law protection, and the use of digital technology,” said Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Law UNAIR.
At the end of the discussion, Prof. Nyoman expressed her gratitude for Kemenko PMK’s trust in UNAIR. “The ministry’s trust in us is our duty to continue and follow up together. Hopefully, this will bring value, especially for our migrant workers,” she concluded.
AUthor: Mentari
Editor: Nuri Hermawan