UNAIR NEWS – Health sector becomes one of the fields of works for students in the Student Study Service-Learning with Community (KKN-BBK) 2 program of Universitas Airlangga. To this day, stunting remains an unresolved issue in the sector. Addressing the issue, UNAIR students group held a stunting prevention program in Gempolkurung, Menganti, Gresik. The program includes dissemination and creating Supplementary Food Products (PMT) using moringa leaves as the main ingredient.
The program was held on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at the Office of the Village Chief of Gempolkurung. Meria Selviana, one of the group members, stated that the program targets mothers with toddlers and children in Gempolkurung.
The Anti Genting Lawan Stunting (Fight Stunting) program aims to support the ongoing local government program in combating stunting.
“After discussing with the local midwife, we started this initiative to support the ongoing stunting program,” she said.
Field Supervisor and Traditional Medicine lecturer Maya Septriana SSi Apt MSi also attended the program as the speaker. She delivered a material on infant and toddler massage. This massage helps stimulate the growth and development of children.
Cooking demo
The participants also watched Supplementary Food Products cooking demo of moringa pudding. Moringa oleifera (kelor) is easy to find. “Moringa leaves have high nutritional content. It’s a great alternative food source to boost nutrition. Moringa leaves are also easily found here, which make it accessible,” Meria said.
The nursing students also added that the availability of moringa leaves in the community can help them in sourcing the raw materials.
“The availability of moringa leaves in the community can help them create their own moringa leaf pudding at home. They can find the main ingredients easily,” she said.
In doing the program, the students work together with the health cadres and local communities. They hoped to raise the community’s awareness on stunting.
“Hopefully, the community will be more aware in understanding children’s growth and development. After that, they can practice it well,” she said.
Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh