The name e-Journal (Notaire) is taken from French which means Notary. The Notaire name is also an acronym of Kenotariatan Airlangga E-Journal (The Airlangga E-Journal Notary). The name selection is based on the specificity of this journal as a journal belonging to the Master Program of Master of Notary of Airlangga University. This journal was established as a means for students of the Master Program of Notary in particular and the academic community in general to share ideas and ideas related to legal issues in the field of notary. All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal. We publish two categories of papers; original research papers and review article.
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- p-ISSN 2721-8376 (print)
- e-ISSN 2655-9404 (online)
- Google Scholar ID :
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