UNAIR NEWS – One Health is a collaborative initiative in the fields of human, animal, and environmental health to realize global health. Especially responding to the issue of future biological disasters that may disrupt global health, due to natural and artificial factors such as Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), emerging and reemerging diseases (EID/Re-EID), and bioterrorism.
UNAIR Faculty of Medicine (FK) medical expert, Dr dr Budi Utomo M Kes said that in achieving global health, linearity of movement between animal health, human, and environment so that the goals can be realized.
However, the goals are still far. One of the biggest obstacles is the nonconforming policy between the government and health authority which needs advanced communication to develop.
“The reason why we haven’t been able to achieve the goals is that there is no political will to prioritize that,” said Budi in the fifth class of the One Health Student Club (OHSC) Batch III Universitas Airlangga which the ADP-OHCC held.
Doctor Budi hoped that the government and stakeholders may improvise and collaborate to provide positive feedback. This way, the health interest, and the government can run harmoniously.
“At the stakeholder’s level, collaboration in health is important, starting from encouraging collaborative research,” he said.
“At the stakeholder’s level, collaboration in health is important, starting from encouraging collaborative research,” he said.

In carrying out the shared vision and mission, leadership to organize One Health is required. The leader must be able to think systematically in making decisions and reduce the sectorial ego to get a fair position in any field of health.
“Anyone from any fields of health can be the leader of One Health. However, the leader must be able to think systematically for critical decision making,” said Budi Utomo in the online meeting on Saturday, September 3, 2022.
Besides, the strategy to make considerations is also important. Identification and careful consideration are required to solve problems well.
“The first step is identifying problems, listing the details of determining factors and triggering factors to learn and take into account. The crucial stage is that the leader must make decisions carefully,” he said.
Author:azhar burhanuddin
Editor:Feri Fenoria