UNAIR NEWS – As an effort to make it easier for the community, especially campus residents, to pay motor vehicle taxes, the Governor of East Java (Jatim) Khofifah Indar Parawansa officially launched the Samsat Kampus Service. The event was held in the Management Office Hall of the MERR Campus (C) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Monday, April 4, 2022.
The launch of the innovation was marked by Governor Khofifah pushing a button on a screen, accompanied by UNAIR Rector, UNESA Rector, PIC Secretary of East Java Province, Head of Bapenda, representatives of Jasa Raharja, and Dirlantas Polda East Java. In her remarks, Governor Khofifah appreciated the collaboration carried out by various elements to realize the program. She also hoped that the launch of Kampus Samsat will provide public service support for the people of East Java.
“The opening of this Samsat Kampus is basically an extension of PPOB (Payment Point Online Banking). PPOB is mostly supported by Bank Jatim. Whatever we do, we hope the services to be easier and closer, to cheapen services to all stakeholders,” said Khofifah.
In addition to Samsat Kampus, the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of East Java has launched several similar programs, such as Samsat Bunda (Bumdes), which is based on village community services, and Samsat OPOP, which is based on empowering Islamic boarding school cooperatives.
In his report, the Head of the East Java Bapenda, Abhimanyu Poncoatmojo, stated that until April 3, 2022, the Samsat Bunda service had been utilized by 16,982 taxpayers with revenues of IDR 4.9 billion. In addition, the Samsat OPOP service has also been utilized by 1,887 taxpayers with revenues of Rp 657 million.
According to him, the Samsat Kampus service is the latest breakthrough made by the East Java Bapenda to facilitate tax payments. He claimed that the innovation service was the first and only one in Indonesia.
“This innovation is a form of attention from the Governor of East Java in developing university cooperative businesses and at the same time providing convenience through a fast, easy, and close place for motor vehicle tax payment services,” said Abhimanyu.
Abhimanyu also added that to ease the people of East Java and to welcome the holy month of Ramadan 1443 H, the East Java Provincial Government (Pemprov), in this case, the East Java Governor gave local tax exemptions for three months starting from April 1 to June 30, 2022.
The tax exemptions include Motor Vehicle Administration Tax (PKB), Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees (BBNKB), as well as two basic BBNKB exemptions, and so on.
In addition to the launch of the Campus Samsat service, there was also a drawing of prizes for Umrah savings for 15 obedient taxpayers and compensation for orphans. In 2022, Bapenda Jatim, in collaboration with Bank Jatim has provided 46 Umrah savings gifts for compliant taxpayers with a value of IDR 30 million each. (*)
Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan