UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga academicians continue to show their presence on the international stage. This time, five Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR students joined the International Conference on Academic-Community Engagement (InACE). The talented students are Fathi Falah, Aulia Azmi Fauzi, Ernadila Diasmarani Hargiyanto, Asma Nadia, and Az-Zahra Helmi Putri Rahayu. The InACE was held from Tuesday, August 29 to Wednesday, August 30, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Under the guidance of Dr. Muthmainnah SKM MKes, these five students have chosen different titles for their projects. During the offline InACE presentation, Azmi and Nadila discussed the application of the Health Belief Model in understanding smoking prevention among adolescents. Falah and Nadia discussed health promotion using the Konco Sregep application. On the other hand, Zahra discussed the assistance provided to Posyandu (Integrated Health Posts) during the pandemic era.
Multi-party collaboration
Falah stated that the Konco Sregep application was developed by the lecturers and students from the FKM UNAIR alongside the Malang Regency Government. The application is one of the strategies for promoting adolescent health based on digital technology and local wisdom. It is designed about the adolescents’ characteristics, needs, and capabilities.

“The Konco Sregep application, which is based on local wisdom, aims to optimize the Family Planning Generation Program (GenRe),” Falah said.
The GenRe program involves the development of Adolescent Information and Counseling Centers (PIK Remaja) with an approach that is from the adolescents, by the adolescents, and for adolescents, in line with the tendency of adolescents who prefer to discuss their issues with their peers.
“To achieve the goal, GenRe provides some materials, such as adolescent reproductive health, life skills, family life preparation, as well as population and family development,” he added.
Furthermore, he also underlined that the research is a collaborative community service program between the lecturers, students, and stakeholders. Therefore, he wished that the research could support the sustainability of adolescent health promotion programs.
“With entertaining media that fits the adolescents’ needs, hopefully, the research can prevent risky behavior’s among adolescents such as premarital sex, early marriage, and substance abuse,” he hoped.
Author: Aidatul Fitriyah
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh