Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Promoting traditional food revitalization, UNAIR students make international achievement

Team members with supervising lecturer. (Photo: By courtesy)
Team members with supervising lecturer. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Cases of narcotics, addictive substances, and illegal drugs abuse in Indonesia are still unresolved. The spread of illegal drugs has been rampant in various regions. The spread is even more diverse as recently, it was discovered that drugs were smuggled in food.

Responding to this problem, students at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) initiated an innovation in a combination of sagon cake and banana peel as a stabilizer for pentylone. They are Bernika Citra ( FISIP ’20), Ardelia Bertha ( Midwifery ’19), Syadilla Rahmansyah ( FKM ’19), Ria Chusnita ( FKG ’19), and Fathi Falah (FKM ’21).

Through this innovation, the five won a silver medal in the World Science, Environment and Engineering Competition (WSEEC) organized by the International Young Scientist Association (IYSA) on Friday, August 4, 2023.

The innovation

Bernika representing the team, said they initiated an innovation entitled Revitalization of Illegal Narcotics Cake Combine with Banana Peels Waste as Pentylone Drug Stabilizing Agents Based on Sagon Food Indonesian Local Wisdom. Their idea was to revitalize traditional food, sagon, Yogyakarta local food that has been widely abused to smuggle illegal drugs.

Seeing these problems, Bernika and her team tried to restore the image of sagon as a healthy traditional food. Bernika and the team innovate to combine new, healthier components in sagon.

Furthermore, Bernika explained that she and her team had innovated using banana peels as a mixture of ingredients in sagon. This banana peel, she said, contains special compounds that are useful as a health stabilizing agent for users of pentylone type of drug.

“Seeing the problems with the traditional sagon food, we innovated by optimizing the use of banana peels ( Musa paradisiaca ) as a stabilizer for pentylone users,” explained Bernika on Tuesday, August 8, 2023.

The banana peel is used because of its abundant benefits and properties. Banana peel contains the amino acid tryptophan, which can reduce the level of hallucinations and depression, so it can be an alternative for rehabilitation. Furthermore, banana peels also contain pectin compounds which can be used in the food industry, increasing the viscosity and stabilizing the emulsion system.

“Thus, this potential can bring a positive image of traditional food and support the rehabilitation of drug addicts,” said Bernika.

Sharing tips

This international achievement was not the first time for Bernika and her colleagues. She shared tips to other students on how to participate and make achievement.

For Bernika, the most important tip for making achievements is to gather with people who share the same vision, mission, and goals. Because being in this environment will help shape and build student identity in academic and non-academic activities that can positively impact students.

“For the tips, find an environment with people that have same desire or goal, so that later on, we will be encouraged to continue fighting for these things, in competitions, sports or academics,” she said.

Representing her team, Bernika hopes that what they have achieved so far can become a good example for students. (*)

Author: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh