UNAIR NEWS – During the Society 5.0 era, our community faces multiple technological challenges. One of the concerning phenomena was the internet’s public figures flaunting their flaws to the public on the social media platform. Responding to the issue, Universitas Airlangga Psychology lecturer Tiara Diah Sosialita MPsi Psikolog shared her professional thoughts.
The first step is to find out the reason behind someone indulging in self-disgrace to the public.
“If self-disgrace was done to look for public’s sympathy or to manipulate, it can be described as an oversharing phenomenon,” Tiara said.
Oversharing definition
Oversharing occurs when someone shares inappropriate details about their personal life with the public, including achievement, wealth, misery, and even disgrace, which can be done virtually and in person.
“Although oversharing has been normalized nowadays, it still needs special concern. Because oversharing has huge consequences,” she said.

Oversharing is classified into several types. First, oversharing personal information like pictures, documents, and recent location. Second, oversharing emotions, including self-disgrace.
Various motives
“Person who overshares has various motives,” Tiara said.
For instance, neglectful parents, bullying, and emotional neglect. Besides, anxiety disorder and loneliness can also lead to oversharing.
How to curb oversharing
To stop oversharing on social media platforms, Tiara suggested that one should stop being emotionally reactive and think before acting. Second, an impulsive person with negative emotions should avoid social media for some time.
Third, one should solve the personal problems which trigger oversharing. Fourth, spend some time for actual interactions and me-time.
Author: Tristania Faisa Adam
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh