Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Rector presides the release of 5000 Ramadan Blessing Packages

Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak in the Send-Off Ramadan Blessing Safari 1444 H on Saturday, April 15, 2023. (Photo: Imam Ariadi)
Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak in the Send-Off Ramadan Blessing Safari 1444 H on Saturday, April 15, 2023. (Photo: Imam Ariadi)

UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak symbolically released 5000 Ramadan Blessing Packages. The event was held at the ACC Building MERR-C Campus UNAIR on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The package was to be distributed to orphans, orphanages, and underprivileged families.

This year, the distribution of Ramadan Blessing Packages increased significantly from the previous year. The event coordinator, Dr Eko Supeno drs MSI, revealed that the package distribution had increased in quantity and distribution area coverage.

“Thank God this year it has increased, from previously 3000 (packages, ed ) now it is 5000,” said Eko.

“This year, the distribution point is also extraordinary. The previous year, 2022, was only at UNAIR, now, there are 121 distribution points. Not only in Surabaya, but also in Tuban, Lamongan, Mojokerto, Pasuruan, Madiun, Tulungagung, Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Banyuwangi,” he continued.

Ramadan Blessing

The awaited session of the activity was the Release of Ramadan Blessing Safari 1444 H presided by Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak. In his remarks, he said that this moment was an effort to purify the UNAIR’s revenue.

“As part of our efforts, purifying UNAIR’s revenue, which so far, in my opinion, has been very clean because the recipients are lecturers, staff (administrative staff, ed ), and many more. The main thing is that everything is according to its rights,” he explained.

The Ramadan Blessing Package is a medium to get blessings for UNAIR. He also advised always sharing with those entitled because their duas are powerful prayers.

“The blessing of all this UNAIR will be well-known. Don’t forget the prayers of those who have received our assistance, they are very powerful because so far, they have certainly been wronged by their circumstances, situations, and environment,” he added.

In the end, the Ramadan Blessing Packages were presented to the recipients. UNAIR Rector and leaders directly presented the packages to some recipients who were invited on site and then continued with a symbolic distribution of Ramadan Blessing Packages. (*)

Author: Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor: Nuri Hermawan