UNAIR NEWS – Demonstrating its commitment to sustainable development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Center Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is conducting its first Training of Trainers on Social Return on Investment (SROI). The training session runs from Tuesday to Saturday (September 10-14, 2024) at the Amerta Room, 4th Floor Management Office, MERR-C Campus, UNAIR.
The inaugural Training of Trainers on SROI has enrolled 31 participants, including educators from various institutions. Besides those from UNAIR, the participants also include lecturers from Sam Ratulangi University and Tadulako University.
“We closed the registration at 31 participants because our actual quota was set at 30,” said Bayu Arie Fianto PhD, Chair of UNAIR SDGs Center.
The Training of Trainers on SROI is aimed at building capacity and raising awareness among educators and academic staff to support the implementation of the SDGs at their institutions.
“This Training of Trainers on SROI is specifically designed to enhance the capabilities of educators. We hope that participants can help prioritize SDGs within their campuses and surrounding areas,” Fianto stated.
Overview of the Training of Trainers on SROI
The Training of Trainers on SROI at UNAIR SDGs Center aligns with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) Level 4. The event features two separate SROI training sessions provided by the Certification and Profession Institution (LSP) and Prof. Chien-wen Shen, an expert in Sustainability and Social Impact Assessment from National Central University, Taiwan.
Participants will complete a series of training modules and assignments and undergo a competency test to qualify as SROI instructors. Those who meet the qualifications will receive certifications from the National Central University of Taiwan, the National Certification and Profession Agency (BNSP), and the Certification and Profession Institution (LSP). “Participants may receive three certificates: one from Taiwan, one from BNSP, and one from LSP,” Fianto explained, outlining the training structure.
First day activities
On the first day of the Training of Trainers on SROI, the program featured Albaar Rubhasy S Si MTI, a certified Indonesian instructor and L9+ level trainer. During his session, Albaar detailed the requirements for KKNI level 4 instructors.

Rubhasy also emphasized the importance of obtaining certification in one’s technical field. Participants must complete all necessary preparations before the scheduled assessment and certification on Saturday (September 14, 2024).
“This competency-based training assesses 14 competency units. After completing this training, participants will be qualified as standardized instructors,” Rubhasy explained during his presentation.
Author: Zahwa Sabiila Ilman Ramadhani
Editor: Yulia Rohmawati