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Stay vigilant against Leptospirosis amid rainy season

Rat illustration (Photo: Puskesmas Kuta Selatan)
Rat illustration (Photo: Puskesmas Kuta Selatan)

UNAIR NEWS – Indonesia has come to the peak of its rainy season. It has resulted in increased rainfall intensity, leading to floods in several regions across Indonesia. Floods not only cause material losses but also pose a threat of diseases to humans, including leptospirosis. Dr. Windhu Purnomo, an expert in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) at Universitas Airlangga, responded to the issue. 

In an exclusive interview with UNAIR NEWS, Dr. Windhu explained that leptospirosis is classified as a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans or vice versa. The causative agent of leptospirosis is the Leptospira bacteria. 

“Leptospira bacteria are shaped like needles and typically reside in rat kidneys. This poses a significant risk if rats urinate in puddles during floods, as it can lead to the transmission of Leptospira bacteria from animals to humans,” he added.

Leptospira bacteria can easily enter the human body, particularly during the rainy season or floods, such as when feet come into contact with stagnant water.

“Commonly overlooked things actually have the potential to expose us to leptospirosis. For instance, not wearing appropriate footwear during floods or when wading through puddles. Additionally, any wounds can expedite the entry of Leptospira bacteria into the human body,” emphasized Windhu.

As an expert in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, he advocates for the use of proper footwear when encountering stagnant water or flooding, such as boots or plastic foot covers. According to him, taking these simple steps can prevent humans from being infected with leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis is frequently underestimated due to the perceived mildness of its impact. However, leptospirosis can lead to human fatalities if not properly treated. Early detection is crucial.

Common symptoms in individuals with leptospirosis include high fever, shivering, yellowish eyes, and body aches. If one experiences these, seeking prompt medical examination is a must.

“Individuals infected with leptospirosis do not exhibit specific initial symptoms. Instead, the symptoms often resemble those of other diseases. Therefore, if experiencing such symptoms, it is advisable to undergo examination by healthcare professionals,” he advised.

Due to the lack of significant symptoms and the tendency to overlap with other diseases, individuals suspected of having leptospirosis should undergo screening tests to confirm the presence of the bacteria.

Some of the tests are serology testing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. The concept of PCR is like Covid-19 testing. Diagnosis of leptospirosis cannot be made casually; it requires accurate testing to diagnose individuals with leptospirosis,” he emphasized. 

Dr. Windhu Purnomo dr MS, Biostatistics and Epidemiology expert, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga (FKM UNAIR). (Photo: By courtesy)

In the field of Public Health, it is emphasized that prevention is better than treating. Early prevention is believed to be effective in averting the severity that may result from delayed appropriate treatment.

“If preventive measures are late, there is a risk of increasing severity. “The treatment outcomes include complete recovery with no residual effects, recovery with lingering effects of the disease, and unsuccessful recovery resulting in death,” he explained.

Preventing leptospirosis can be done by practicing Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS); getting vaccinated regularly; and adopting a healthy lifestyle such as consuming nutritious food and exercising regularly.

“Maintaining a clean environment is pivotal in preventing leptospirosis. Not only does it offer comfort, but it also contributes to a healthy life free from diseases,” he concluded.

Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia