UNAIR NEWS – Kate Bush’s Running Up That Hill remained at the top of the global music charts for the past weeks. The old hit song went viral following its use in Netflix’s Stranger Things season 4.
In the storyline, Max, who suffered from mental stress, managed to survive the monster’s ordeal by listening to the song. In fact, according to psychology, music or songs can be a therapy for individuals who suffer from mental health issues.
The statement was made by UNAIR psychology lecturer Atika Dian Ariana SPsi MSc. The therapeutic counseling expert stated that music is a form of art therapy commonly used as a psychotherapy medium. Music therapy can be done independently as self-help.
Discover your music taste
The first step in maximizing musical therapy results is discovering the music taste and genre. Music indirectly affects how the individual appreciates and perceives the music.
In the 90s, classical Beethoven and Bach were widely known to stimulate the baby’s brain. However, Atika emphasized that musical therapy is not fixed on one or two particular genres. Therapeutical music is personally customized.
“Someone can get calmed when listening to fast rhythm ones like rock music. The genre becomes his/her personal taste. Some individuals can be more focused by listening to instrumental music,” she said.
The second step is monitoring the emotional and physical responses while listening to music. Mindfully listen to the music and become undistracted to see the responses. This step helps determine the type of music that works for you.
“Let’s say, if dangdut music makes us relaxed, comfortable, and happy, pick that genre. However, if it makes the listener go dizzy, don’t listen to dangdut,” she said.

More than just a song
Music as a therapeutic medium is not only limited to music and songs produced in the studio. Nature sounds such as water, wind, chirping birds, or ocean waves are also included as music as it generates tones.
For instance, Atika recommended natural sound during meditation to provide calming and relaxing effects. In fact, hospitals in Indonesia and Europe often use gamelan for music therapy.
“Music therapy is more than just ‘to listen’, but also ‘to play’.”
Therapy for mental health problems
According to Atika, all emotional disturbances like stress, depression, and anxiety can be relieved by using music therapy. Therefore, it is advisable to listen to optimistic songs.
“For my patients with a negative emotional disorder, for instance. I will ensure their playlist is safe from negative tone songs and lyrics,” she said.
Tone and lyrics in songs highly affect someone’s mood. Individual who feels sad should avoid negative songs and vice versa. Individual who wants to express anger can listen to loud songs.
However, music alone cannot help the psychotherapy process for severe mental disorders. An individual with hallucination or suicidal tendencies requires more advanced treatment with the help of a psychotherapist.
“As a human, we always face any challenge. A strong person will always find the way,” she said, ending the interview.
Author: Intang Arifia
Editor: Feri Fenoria