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Strengthening publications: 23 UNAIR journals earn SINTA accreditation

23 UNAIR journals accredited by SINTA. (Photo: LIPJPHKI UNAIR)
23 UNAIR journals accredited by SINTA. (Photo: LIPJPHKI UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has achieved another significant milestone, with 23 of its academic journals successfully attaining accreditation or reaccreditation across SINTA levels 1 to 5. This achievement, announced by the UNAIR Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) on Friday, October 15, 2024, underscores the university’s commitment to academic advancement.

The SINTA (Science and Technology Index) accreditation system are integral to assessing and recognizing the quality of scientific journals in Indonesia. It is conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) system.

Prof. Hery Purnobasuki, Drs., M.Si., Ph.D., Head of LIPJPHKI UNAIR, attributed the accomplishment to the dedication and hard work of UNAIR’s academic community. He highlighted the implementation of a “Super Team” approach and the development of a systematic journal roadmap as the primary strategies behind this success.

“The roadmap provides clear guidance, enabling us to enhance journal quality and improve their indexing status,” Prof. Purnobasuki explained on Friday, October 22, 2024.

Each journal is assigned specific indexing goals and supported through university-level mentoring. Prof. Purnobasuki emphasized that a well-defined roadmap is essential to achieving higher-quality indexing for the journals.

23 UNAIR journals accredited by SINTA. (Photo: LIPJPHKI UNAIR)

This achievement enhances UNAIR’s research output performance on both national and international scales. “With the improved quality of UNAIR-managed journals, they will increasingly become key references and destinations for researchers worldwide,” Prof. Purnobasuki stated.

The enhancement of journal quality also supports UNAIR’s Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 5, which focuses on producing impactful academic works that serve society.

“Academic output can take many forms, such as publishing national or international scientific journals, writing books like monographs or reference materials, and more,” he elaborated

Prof. Purnobasuki noted that the primary obstacle in managing journals is the limited availability of high-quality, diverse manuscripts. To address this, UNAIR has prioritized improving the quality of its journals and their indexing status to attract reputable authors.

“The quality of a journal is a key factor in attracting authors to submit their papers. Setting clear targets for each journal allows us to continuously improve their indexing status,” he said. Prof. Purnobasuki expressed confidence that well-defined goals for each journal will strengthen UNAIR’s contributions to the global academic landscape.

Author: Tsaqifa Farhana W

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia