Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Supporting SDGs achievement, UNAIR provides sports facilities and implements smoke-free policy

Salah satu lapangan futsal yang ada di kampus C UNAIR. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as one of the top universities in Indonesia supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNAIR seeks to support the third SDG achievement related to good health and well-being by providing sports facilities and implementing smoke-free policy on campus.

Junaidi, as the Head of Infrastructure Planning and Maintenance Subdirectorate, said that the sports facilities of UNAIR are located in Campus A, Campus B and Campus C. In Campus A, said Junaidi, the outdoor sports facilities consists of a tennis court and a badminton court at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and a badminton court at the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG).

While in Campus B, Junaidi said, there is an indoor badminton court and a tennis court at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and at the Faculty of Law (FH), there is also an indoor badminton court.

In Campus C UNAIR, there are indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The indoor sports facilities consist of a sports arena (GOR) used for basketball, volleyball, and futsal matches. Then there is also the Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) which is usually used for silat competitions and other events.

Then, the outdoor facilities, continued Junaidi, consist of a futsal court and a basketball court located in front of the GOR. There is also a volleyball court in front of the Student Center (SC), a badminton court at the Faculty of Nursing (FKp), the newest basketball court, a futsal court, and a tennis court near the female student dormitory.

“The use of all sports facilities is prioritized for UNAIR academics, more specifically for students,” said Junaidi on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.

Furthermore, Junaidi revealed that the availability of sports facilities in UNAIR is a form of support for the third SDG, good health and well-being. According to him, the sports facilities aim to facilitate students’ activities and interests and support their health.

Moreover, UNAIR Rector Regulation Number 34 of 2019, especially article 42, paragraph 1, states that every resident and guest is prohibited from smoking in UNAIR environment except in a predetermined place and not disturbing others. Junaidi said that the regulation is also an embodiment to support the third goal of the SDGs.

“Hopefully, users, in this case, students, can take advantage of sports facilities at UNAIR to the fullest and meet their needs,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia