Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Temasek Polytechnic Singapore and UNAIR discuss cooperation opportunities

Mr. Peter Lam as Principal and CEO of Temasek Polytechnic with UNAIR Vice Rector for Internazionalization, Digitalization, and Information,Prof. Dr. Muhammad Miftahussurur MKes SpPD-KGEH PhD in a photo session. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga ( UNAIR ) continues to build up its international partnerships network. One of the collaborations is with Temasek Polytechnic, an institution located in Singapore which visited UNAIR on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization, and Information UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Miftahussurur MKes SpPD-KGEH PhD, said this meeting was an important opportunity to discuss various collaboration opportunities between the two institutions and explore mutually beneficial cooperation.

“As a forum to discuss collaboration opportunities, UNAIR has four research focus areas which include health, engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences and humanities,” he said.

At the meeting at MERR-C Campus, UNAIR Management Building, Prof. Miftah also revealed ideas of common interests that would be expanded.

Cooperation potential

Meanwhile, Mr. Peter Lam, the Principal and CEO of Temasek Polytechnic, explained several reasons for his institution’s interest in collaborating with UNAIR. Apart from being in the second largest city in Indonesia, according to him, UNAIR has rapid educational development.

“We have excellent partnerships with many institutions in the ASEAN region, such as China, India and Japan. In our opinion, it is also important to build cooperation with UNAIR,” he said.

Singapore, he continued, always tries to do business, cooperate and invest a lot of research that focuses on various industrial fields. “We see that Indonesia is also closely related to the industry. It is an area that we see and explore so we can transfer knowledge,” he said.

Similar to UNAIR, Temasek Polytechnic also focuses on fields of medicine, biotechnology, pharmacy, and various business schools. “We also have a design and engineering school, which are our biggest schools,” he added.

The four areas of potential collaboration by UNAIR and Temasek Polytechnic, according to Mr. Peter, could become our links for student exchange collaborations.

“The potential for this collaboration can strengthen the collaborative relationship between Indonesia and Singapore,” he concluded.

Author: Tia Restutika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan