UNAIR NEWS – Eid al-Fitr, a much-anticipated occasion for Muslims, marks the culmination of a month of fasting with joyous celebrations. Traditionally, a variety of sumptuous dishes grace the tables to commemorate this day.
Among the culinary delights served are chicken opor, rendang, and other rich dishes. However, indulging excessively in fatty foods can have adverse effects on health, as elucidated by Lailatul Muniroh SKM MKes, a respected lecturer in the Nutrition Department at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga.
Understanding limits
Lailatul emphasizes the importance of moderation in consuming fatty foods. Excessive fat intake can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, posing health risks. “Although you can consume fat, you need to understand the limits so that you don’t consume too much fat,” she said. v
The recommended daily limit for fat consumption ranges from 25 to 30 percent of total calorie intake. “For example, you need an average of 2,000 calories a day, which means the fat requirement is 500 calories, or the equivalent of 55.5 grams of fat. If you do not consume more than 55.5 grams, it is still safe, but you need to pay attention to the type of fat, and choose unsaturated fat,” she explained.v
Lailatul revealed some alternatives that can be implemented. These alternatives include choosing skinless chicken breast for chicken opor, or lean beef for rendang. “In combination with vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber, and drink more water. So don’t just eat coconut milk and fatty foods,” she said.
Furthermore, foods with cholesterol are still beneficial for the body. But with the caveat that cholesterol is good cholesterol. This cholesterol is found in avocados, eggs, and certain types of oils.v
“Egg fat is still safe, especially egg yolk. Although egg yolk contains high levels of cholesterol, it does not need to be avoided, there just needs to be a limit. Alternative oils like olive oil or corn oil are healthier,” she explained.v

Stay vigilant
Lailatul urged the community to remain vigilant even though Eid has arrived. Especially for people who have a history of high cholesterol. “We know high cholesterol from blood tests. Some of the symptoms are cramps and even loss of appetite. There are many symptoms, but people who have a history of high cholesterol should be more aware of the signs that occur in their bodies,” she said.
Lailatul advises the public to eat a balanced nutrition food. This means that each portion of a meal should include staple foods, proteins, vegetables, and fruits. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during Eid.
“Consume a balanced nutritional food according to your needs. Don’t forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking and getting enough rest. Don’t forget to continue doing physical activities, don’t be lazy,” she concluded.
Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia