UNAIR NEWS – Every student wishes to secure a dream job after graduation. However, the reality is not that easy. UNAIR Management Students Association held a webinar to prepare students for professional work life on Saturday, July 16, 2022.
The founder of Today Solution and passion enthusiast Syafril Riza was invited as the guest speaker at the Branding Class 2022 event to discuss the basic steps in building a professional career.
In the beginning, Syafril explained the difference between job and career, which is often misunderstood and overlapped.
He explained the normal cycle fresh graduates will encounter in the early phase of their professional careers.
3 Things Students Must Do
Syafril also shared three essential things students must do before graduation that will help build their career as planned.
First, determine the purpose and reasons for work as it will affect the mindset and quality of work. Second, know the difference between ‘symbol’ and ‘essence’. Many people only seek for ‘symbol’ and high salary but fail to understand the real essence behind it.
“Symbol is just the outer layer, while the essence is the core of the daily work activity we performed,” said Syafril.
Third, build a positive personal brand on social media to support career growth. From establishing your social media, providing information that describes yourself to get easily recognized by the public. Personal branding really comes in handy either in job seeking or getting job offers.
“Personal brand is about how and the way you promote yourself to the audience to provide benefits for them and for ourselves,” he said.
Author: Septiana Wulandari
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh