Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Tips for advancing your career from Apple Senior Project Manager

Ari Sufiati speaks at “Breakthrough to Global Opportunities” webinar on Saturday, December 7, 2024. (Photo: By courtesy)
Ari Sufiati speaks at “Breakthrough to Global Opportunities” webinar on Saturday, December 7, 2024. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Building a career on an international scale is no small feat. Beyond the alluring promise of success, it comes with fierce competition and challenges that can be daunting. To navigate these challenges, it’s crucial to continuously develop personal skills and adaptability.

Addressing these concerns, Universitas Airlangga’s Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA UNAIR) hosted a webinar titled “Breakthrough to Global Opportunities”. This session, part of the Tracer Study and Employability Series, took place on Saturday, December 7, 2024.

The event featured two inspiring alumni who have achieved global recognition: Ari Sufiati, a Senior Project Manager at Apple Inc., and Fatma Ayu Husnasari, a Chevening Scholarship awardee currently pursuing postgraduate studies at Queen Mary University of London.

During the session, Ari Sufiati highlighted the significance of progressively building core skills as a foundation for an international career. She recommended starting by identifying people within your network who can provide valuable insights or opportunities in your field of interest.

“Do you have family members or acquaintances who have worked in the field? If so, start by asking about available opportunities such as internships or volunteer work. If no such connections exist, actively reach out to peers, professors, or alumni with experience in the field,” Sufiati advised.

Sufiati also stressed the importance of maintaining relationships once they are established. Effective communication, she explained, involves respecting etiquette and choosing words thoughtfully, even when offering critiques.

The final step involves clearly communicating your goals and encouraging collaboration with your network, paving the way for meaningful and impactful results.

As a Communication Studies graduate from UNAIR, Sufiati also emphasized the importance of taking decisive action to achieve career aspirations. This begins with recognizing your strengths and being able to present them effectively to others.

Next, she suggested engaging trusted friends or colleagues to collaborate on shared career goals. Such collaboration often produces tangible results that demonstrate your skillset.

“Skills that remain unused are nothing more than empty talk. You need to start applying them now,” she told the audience. She concluded by advising participants to regularly review their progress and embrace constructive feedback to foster continuous improvement.

“Seize every opportunity that comes your way. Believe in your dreams, explore the possibilities, and achieve without limits,” she concluded.

Author: Zahwa Sabiila Ilman Ramadhani

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia