UNAIR NEWS -With increasingly fierce academic competition, twin brothers from Gresik have made achievements. Achmad Arifan At Thobib and Achmad Arifin At Thobib successfully passed the National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).
This achievement is not only the pride of the family but also a source of inspiration for many people. Both of them have proven dedication and prayer led to amazing results. In an interview on April 16, 2023, they conveyed choosing UNAIR because it is famous in East Java and Indonesia.
Having different interests
Arifan, interested in international relations and geopolitics, passed the SNBP for the International Relations (HI) study program. He believes that UNAIR’s HI program is one of the best in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Arifin, who wants to enter politics, was accepted into Law Science. For him, this is the first step in his political career.
Arifan and Arifin have different interests that are reflected in their choice of majors. In this case, Arifan is interested in studying the dynamics of interstate relations. Arifin, on the other hand, was inspired by the judicial process he witnessed as a security coordinator at An Najiyah 2 Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Jombang.
Both were very grateful for the opportunity to study at UNAIR. “Alhamdulillah, we are both very grateful and happy, as are our parents. We couldn’t believe what Allah has given us, we are very happy and grateful,” they said.
Both twins have high hopes for their education. They want to take advantage of this opportunity and continue their studies at a higher level. This will help them in their future careers.
Arifan and Arifin underscored the importance of prayer and efforts. “Make your wishes known to God, balance your prayers with effort, and don’t get easily discouraged. Be someone whose feet are grounded on the earth, but whose aspirations soar above the constellation of Tsuroyya,” Arifan said.
Arifin added, “No matter how hard you try, never stop praying to God, never stop asking your parents and teachers for prayers and blessings.
Author: Aidatul Fitriyah
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia