Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Two FKH study programs pursue ASIIN accreditation

Veterinary Medicine Master’s degree ASIIN accreditation on-site visit (Photo: By courtesy)
Veterinary Medicine Master’s degree ASIIN accreditation on-site visit (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is pursuing international accreditation with ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik), a renowned accreditation agency based in Germany.

The accreditation on-site visit was divided into two main activities. The first was a focus group discussion (FGD) with the ASIIN assessment team, followed by a site visit to the study programs and faculty facilities. The ASIIN delegates were welcomed in the Balairua Plennary Room, 4th floor Management Office, MERR-C Campus, UNAIR, on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Prof. Nurul Barizah SH LLM PhD, Head of UNAIR’s Quality Assurance Board (BPM), explained that two study programs were involved in this accreditation process. “The two programs are the Master’s degree in Veterinary Diseases and Public Health and the Master’s degree in Veterinary Agribusiness,” she stated.

The FGD focused on the future development plans for the study programs and the university. Discussions included the positioning of the programs within the university, their profiles, and future development perspectives. “Today’s discussion highlights the programs, especially those supporting the university’s mission of education, research, and community service,” said Prof. Nurul.

The Master’s degree in Veterinary Diseases and Public Health and the Master’s degree in Veterinary Agribusiness programs are undergoing ASIIN accreditation (Photo: By courtesy).
The Master’s degree in Veterinary Diseases and Public Health and the Master’s degree in Veterinary Agribusiness programs are undergoing ASIIN accreditation (Photo: By courtesy).

Key topics included the involvement of teaching and learning processes, plans for developing cooperation, and teaching management.

Additionally, educational objectives, program curricula, teaching methods, counseling, and student support were crucial points of discussion. Student participation in international projects and research was also assessed, along with student learning outcomes and their relevance to the job market.

Prof. Nurul emphasized that UNAIR’s Quality Assurance Board continually strives to maintain accreditation for all study programs. There is intensive guidance to achieve international accreditation.

Prof. Nurul emphasized that UNAIR’s Quality Assurance Board continually strives to maintain accreditation for all study programs. There is intensive guidance to achieve international accreditation.

Prof. Nurul hoped that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UNAIR would achieve the accreditation, thereby expanding its collaborative reach. “We hope to achieve this accreditation, enabling us to broaden our collaborative scope on the international stage,” she added.

Author: Rosita

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati