Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR and IAIN Kendari collaborate to improve quality of human resources

UNAIR Rector Prof Nasih and IAIN Kendari Rector Prof Faizah after signing the MoU. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) received a collaborative visit from Kendari State Islamic Institute (IAIN). The visit was made to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of higher education tridharma and quality improvement of human resources (HR).

The delegates were received in the Balairua Plenary Meeting Room, Management Office, MERR (C) Campus UNAIR on Friday, February 17, 2023. IAIN Rector Prof Dr Faizah Binti Awad M Pd and her staff were welcomed by UNAIR Rector Prof Moh Nasih SE MT Ak. The collaboration was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties.

In her remarks, IAIN Rector Prof Faizah said that at this time, she wanted to focus on improving the development of human resources’ quality. Moreover, her party also wants the implementation of higher education tridharma at IAIN to be more optimized towards transformation of IAIN from an institute to a university.

She further stated that IAIN had collaborated with universities in Malaysia and Thailand. On this occasion, a reference from UNAIR was needed. So this signing session is needed to mark the cooperation.

“Right now, we want to develop both in terms of human resources and academics, so we need guidance and collaboration with UNAIR,” said Prof Faizah.

In line with this statement, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih also stated that this collaboration would have great potential and would achieve many things. UNAIR, he continued, has opened cooperation with various universities (PT).

“We are ready to work together, of course, in the fields agreed upon so that collaboration can contribute to the country,” said Prof. Nasih.

Prof. Nasih agreed that with this collaboration, both UNAIR and IAIN could help and support each other’s development.

Author: Langgeng Widodo

Editor: Nuri Hermawan