UNAIR NEWS – State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kendari made a visit to Universitas Airlangga on February 17, 2023. IAIN Rector Prof Dr Faizah Binti Awad M Pd and UNAIR Rector Prof Moh Nasih SE MT Ak. signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the Balairua Plenary Meeting Room, Management Office, MERR (C) Campus UNAIR.
The collaboration is on the implementation of higher education tridharma and quality improvement of human resources (HR). IAIN is focusing on improving the development of human resources’ quality, especially towards its transformation from an institute to a university.
“Right now, we want to develop both in terms of human resources and academics, so we need guidance and collaboration with UNAIR,” said Prof Faizah.
“We are ready to work together, of course, in the fields agreed upon so that collaboration can contribute to the country,” said Prof. Nasih.
Read also:
UNAIR and IAIN Kendari collaborate to improve quality of human resources