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UNAIR and Udayana University OHCC introduce One Health through storybook

Prof Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam drh presided "Rumah Terbaik Tungtung Si Lutung Jawa (The Best House of Tungtung The Javan Lutung)" Book Launching ceremony (Photo: By courtesy)
Prof Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam drh presided "Rumah Terbaik Tungtung Si Lutung Jawa (The Best House of Tungtung The Javan Lutung)" Book Launching ceremony (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Poaching for wild animals still happens in Indonesia. One of the animals being hunted is the Javan Lutung. ADPRC-OHCC ( Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center ) Universitas Airlangga and OHCC Udayana University published a storybook about the Javan Lutung to realize One Health. A book launching and story-telling event took place on Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023, at SDN Kalisari II, Kalisari, Surabaya.

Attending the event were Prof Dr Fedik Abdul Rantam drh as ADPRC-OHCC coordinator; Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti Sp MK(K) as OHCC coordinator at Udayana University; Dra Sri Lestari M Pd as principal of SDN Kalisari II; Puji Astuti ST as representative of Surabaya City Library and Archives Service; and Lailatul Maghfiroh drh M Si as regional coordinator of OHAWE.

“The Javan lutung was chosen because it is endemic to Java. The species in East Java is facing extinction. Research from the 90s found on the slopes of Mount Arjuna around twelve groups of Javan lutungs, but it turns out that 10 years later there were only four groups left,” said Lailatul.

The book launch and the story-telling event were held to provide insight for children about preserving wild animals and an approach regarding the spread of disease from Javan langurs to humans.

ADPRC-OHCC and students of SDN Kalisari II in the book launching. (Photo: By courtesy)

One Health is an approach to optimizing relationships between humans, animals, and ecosystems for sustainable health. As a step to introduce One Health to the community and children, UNAIR through ADPRC collaborates with the One Health Collaborating Center Udayana to carry out a project on “Application of One Health Approach to Raise Wildlife Protection Awareness in Indonesia.”

OHCC has five branches, Papua, Bali, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Aceh. One of the results of the collaboration between OHCC Surabaya and Bali is the publication of a storybook entitled “Rumah Terbaik Tungtung Si Lutung Jawa (The Best House of Tungtung The Javan Lutung”.

“We want to create a harmonious environment for animals and humans. So that no new risks arise related to diseases, including COVID-19,” said Prof Fedik.

Apart from preventing new risks, most diseases caused by animals such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, dengue fever, and others are the background for implementing the One Health program. The earlier the insight is given, the more aware the public will be about the importance of the program.

Author: Muhammad Naqsya Riwansia

Editor: Feri Fenoria