UNAIR NEWS – The Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is hosting the Airlangga Summer Course 2024. In collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), the event spans one week from Monday, May 20, 2024, to Monday, May 27, 2024. Thirty-two students from UUM’s Islamic Business School (IBS) and 11 Islamic Economics students from UNAIR are participating in the summer course.
The opening ceremony of the Airlangga Summer Course was held on Wednesday, May 21, 2024, in the Soepoyo Hall, FEB UNAIR. Attendees included Dr. Muhammad Fikri Aziz, a lecturer at UUM IBS, Prof. Dr. Sri Herianingrum SE MSi, the Head of the Islamic Economics Department at UNAIR, and Noven Suprayogi SE MSi Ak, the Head of the Organizing Committee for Airlangga Summer Course 2024.
“Thank you to UNAIR for providing excellent facilities for us. We hope this positive program runs smoothly and is blessed by Allah, positively impacting Indonesia and Malaysia, especially UNAIR and UUM. We hope this program fosters long-term cooperation and brotherhood among us all,” Dr. Fikri stated in his speech.

Realizing Goal 2, 3, and 14 of SDGs
The summer course theme is “Accelerating the Empowerment of Coastal Communities with Environmental, Health, and Economic Digitalization Insights to Achieve the SDGs of No Poverty, Good Health and Well-Being, and Life Below Water.” Through this theme, the summer course serves as a form of community service to coastal communities on Madura Island.
The highlight of the summer course is community service in Kwanyar Village, Bangkalan, Madura, on Thursday and Friday, May 23-24, 2024. This community service includes creating Business Identification Numbers (NIB), halal certification, marketing training, and introducing digital marketing to MSMEs in West Kwanyar, Bangkalan, and Madura.
“Since the theme of our activity focuses on the SDGs, we will engage in community service in a fishing village. We will learn about halal certification, so besides community service, our students will share and learn about the halal certification system in Indonesia and Malaysia,” explained Noven.
Malaysian students’ enthusiasm
UUM students expressed that reaching Surabaya required considerable effort. However, it was all worth it for the enjoyable learning experience at UNAIR.
“I had to travel by land from Kedah to KL (Kuala Lumpur, ed.) for 10 hours, then fly from KL to Surabaya for almost three hours. Of course, it was tiring, but I am happy to be in Surabaya and UNAIR, and I have been looking forward to this day,” said Fatimah, a fourth-semester student at UUM IBS.
Hidayat, a Muamalah Administration student from UUM, also expressed his excitement about visiting Java Island for the first time. “I am interested in the activities, especially the program with UNAIR students,” said Hidayat.
Author: Febriana Putri Nur Aziizah
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia