UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has once again shown its commitment to becoming a higher education institution with contribution and impact on society. This commitment is displayed not only in Indonesia but also to the world. This time, UNAIR collaborated with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to hold a community service activity in Kampong Sungai Melayu, Johor, Malaysia on Saturday, August 26, 2023.
International community service pioneer
UNAIR initiated the establishment of the World University Association for Community Development ( WUACD ) in 2018 to strengthen collaboration between higher education institutions to improve the quality of community service activities, both in Indonesia and other countries. This time, WUACD UNAIR designed a collaborative community service program with UTM targeting communities along Sungai Melayu, in Johor, Malaysia.
This activity involved 21 experts from UNAIR who visited Kampong Sungai Melayu and shared innovative ideas for developing sustainable ecotourism in Sungai Melayu. The activity was coordinated by Edi Dwi Riyanto, PhD from the Faculty of Humanities, and attended by the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Empowerment, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih.
Encouraging collaboration of cognate countries
YB Datuk Pandak bin Ahmad, one of the representatives of the Kampong Sungai Melayu community, welcomed UNAIR delegates warmly. He is an Iskandar City People’s Representative Council member and an alumnus of UTM.

“We are very proud to welcome guests from Universitas Airlangga, because Indonesia and Malaysia are cognate countries. We should work together and collaborate,” he said during the opening speech.
Prof. Nyoman delivered her remarks as a representative from UNAIR. She said UNAIR academics are ready to devote their expertise for mutual benefit, not only for the people of Indonesia but also for the global community, which in this case are the residents of Kampong Sungai Melayu in Malaysia.
“UNAIR is committed to becoming a university that contributes and gives an impact to the world,” said Prof. Nyoman.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals
In addition to achieving the 17th goal of SDGs, Partnership for the Goals, this community service activity also supports achieving two other goals: the 11th goal, Sustainable Cities and Communities and the 14th goal about Life Below Water. In the knowledge-sharing session, Dr. Veryl Hasan SPi MP strengthened the achievement of the 14th goal of SDGs. He is one of UNAIR experts in Fisheries and Marine Sciences. Then, it continued with a discussion between representatives of UNAIR, UTM, and the people of Kampong Sungai Melayu. (*)
Author: Gesang Manggala