UNAIR NEWS – Emancipated Learning: Emancipated Campus (MBKM) breakthrough is often considered an educational transformation with millions of positive impacts. Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), one of the best higher education institutions in Indonesia, also supports the program.
As many as 7,080 students, or 35 percent of the total students, have implemented MBKM with up to 20 acknowledged credits in 2022. For this activity, UNAIR has recorded the third largest inbound participant in Indonesia in the Emancipated Student Exchange (PMM) Batch 2 program, with 300 students. They stayed in dormitories owned by UNAIR.
Support and acceleration
UNAIR’s enthusiasm for the MBKM implementation can be seen through various acceleration efforts, both quantitatively and qualitatively. “For the next PMM, UNAIR plans to add more quota because there is a scheme for Vocational students. We are committed to overseeing the processes, from planning to the approval of recognition and conversion of participation in MBKM activities. So that it can increase the number of MBKM students,” said Prof. Dr. Sukardiman MS Apt as UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs.
Collaboration and coordination
Collaboration with various internal parties was also carried out for the program’s success, which can increase these students’ competence and recognition. “Coordination with the Directorate of Student Affairs (dirmawa) for Kampus Mengajar, the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) for entrepreneurship, Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) with matters relating to overseas, are always held so that students gain information and ease in participating in MBKM,” he said.
For three years, UNAIR has had activities with the concept of emancipated learning, including interdisciplinary learning. Thus, UNAIR fully supports the concept of MBKM, which continues to create many learning opportunities as possible.
Hard skills and soft skills
Director of Student Affairs Prof. Dr. M Hadi Subhan SH MH CN said that UNAIR students also gain soft skills through various competitions and programs.
The Directorate of Student Affairs has supported the participation and development of soft skills through various programs, including Student Management Skills Training (LKMM) for elementary and advanced levels, support engaging in the community through village visits, teaching schools and village assistance, as well as various development achievement programs, especially in the MBKM program.
The results were at the excellent category as the number of achievements, compared with the number of students, reached 1500 achievements: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in 2022. “Achievement is not the final goal, but rather a means to make students receive comprehensive learning so that later they become graduates who are accomplished and virtuous,” said Prof. Hadi. (*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia