Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR EV-OS Team unveils electric vehicles ALERTA and OSCAR

The launch event took place at the UNAIR Sports Center on the MERR-C Campus on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. (Photo: PKIP)

UNAIR NEWS – The creative ingenuity of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students continues to produce impressive innovations. This time, the Electrical Vehicle On Study (EV-OS) team from the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM) UNAIR launched an electric go-kart prototype, ALERTA, and an electric car prototype, OSCAR. Putu Anom Kornakata and Habib Miftahudin led these projects, respectively.

The launch event took place at the UNAIR Sports Center on the MERR-C Campus on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. These innovative vehicles are being showcased in conjunction with FTMM students’ participation in the Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE), a competition organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Agency (BPTI) under the National Achievement Center (PUSPRESNAS), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), as well as the PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (PLN ICE) hosted by PT PLN Persero in 2024.

Attending the event were UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA DVM, Director of Student Affairs Prof. Dr. M. Hadi Shubhan SH MH CN, FTMM Dean Prof. Dr. Dwi Setyawan SSi MSi Apt, alongside other FTMM faculty members and advisors of the EV-OS team.

“Today, our students have successfully launched two remarkable creations from the engineering faculty (FTMM), and they deserve recognition. Their achievement, which is on par with a final project, means that they are no longer required to submit a thesis,” said Prof. Nasih.

After the launch, the EV-OS team performed test drives to assess the vehicles’ functionality. Rector Prof. Nasih personally tested the ALERTA go-kart on the track outside the UNAIR Sports Center.

The launch event took place at the UNAIR Sports Center on the MERR-C Campus on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. (Photo: PKIP)

FTMM Dean Prof. Dwi noted that the production of both the electric car and go-kart was completed in a relatively short time frame, taking just six months from start to finish. The dean also highlighted the collaboration of students from multiple FTMM programs, which contributed to the efficiency of the process.

“FTMM has five different study programs, each with expertise in different areas. Electrical Engineering students worked on the vehicle’s electrical systems, while students from the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence program handled the automation. The design was supported by Industrial Engineering students. This interdisciplinary collaboration allowed us to finish the project in about six months,” Prof. Dwi explained.

Given the complexity of building both ALERTA and OSCAR, the project attracted significant support from sponsors. Among those providing financial and technical backing were Pertamina, PUSPAS UNAIR, PT Braja Elektrik Motor, Spectrum, PT Usaha Patra Lima Jaya, PT Usaha Yekapepe, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Kowiejaya Mitra Makmur, and PT ATERA.

Author: Febriana Putri Nur Aziizah

Editor : Edwin Fatahuddin