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UNAIR expert answers: Which one is more dangerous? TBC or Covid-19?

Dr Soedarsono, dr SpP(K), responded to the public's concerns about tuberculosis and Covid-19 through the Tuberculosis (TBC) vs Covid-19 event – Which one is more dangerous? by UNAIR TV Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Friday, March 25, 2022.

UNAIR NEWS – With similar transmission, symptoms, and countermeasures to Covid-19, tuberculosis, often called ‘wet lungs’ disease by the general public, has gained interest and been discussed. Therefore, Dr Soedarsono, dr SpP(K), responded to the public’s concerns about tuberculosis and Covid-19 through the Tuberculosis (TBC) vs Covid-19 event – Which one is more dangerous? by UNAIR TV Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Friday, March 25, 2022.

TBC Vs Covid-19

“(Covid-19 and TBC) both have a fairly high transmission rate,” explained Dr Soedarsono. According to him, in both TBC and Covid-19 patients, the highest number of patients is at the productive age.

“Covid-19 is an acute disease, while TBC is chronic,” explained Dr Soedarsono. If you look at mortality rates, deaths from TBC are more significant in percentage. “Deaths by TBC were 10.8 percent. While Covid-19 is only 2.6 percent,” revealed Dr Soedarsono.

Dr Soedarsono added that the high percentage of deaths of TBC is the non drug-resistant TBC, and the drug-resistant TBC had an 18 percent mortality rate. Therefore, both TBC and Covid-19 need to be watched out for.

Drug-resistant TBC

Dr Soedarsono said that what is meant by drug-resistant TBC is when the Mycobacterium tuberculosis virus that causes TBC disease does not die despite being exposed to drugs. There are two causes of drug-resistant TBC. The primary factor is when a person contracts from a person with drug-resistant TBC, while the second factor is people with TBC who stopped taking drugs or took drugs irregularly that impact viral mutations.

The negative impact of Covid-19 on TBC countermeasures

Dr Soedarsono revealed that Covid-19 impacted negatively to TBC countermeasures in Indonesia. Many people feel the TBC symptoms but fear visiting health facilities because they are afraid to be deemed to get Covid-19 infection, as both diseases are similar and social sanctions are high. So most people with Covid-19 choose to self-medicate their illness at home.

In addition, many people with TBC are afraid of going to hospital for fear of contracting Covid-19, so they stopped for treatment. Therefore, the findings of TBC in Indonesia are reduced when in fact, there are still many. People with TBC should get regular treatment to avoid aggravating the condition and transmitting it to a broader audience.

The positive impact of Covid-19 on TBC countermeasures

Although it has a negative impact, Covid-19 also positively impacts TBC management. Dr. Soedarsono explained that the Covid-19 countermeasures and health protocols could also be applied to TBC countermeasures.

Furthermore, Dr. Soedarsono revealed that although, in theory, people with TBC are more sensitive to being exposed to Covid-19, the fact is that there are not many people with TBC exposed to Covid-19 in Surabaya. It is possible because people with TBC are familiar with health protocols before Covid-19.

TBC in children

“The children are usually susceptible (to TBC, ed), but the potential for infection is slim,” explained Dr Soedarsono, because children with TBC have a smaller amount of the virus than adults, so the ability to transmit to others is minor.

2030 TBC free

Being the third TBC endemic country globally, the Indonesian government targets TBC in Indonesia to be eliminated by 2030. Dr Soedarsono assessed that this could happened as long as the public are aware of TBC. Such as, being aware of Covid-19 and TBC countermeasures must involve all sectors, such as Covid-19 countermeasures. “I am optimistic (2030 is free of TBC, ed), as long as they are met (conditions, ed),” concluded Dr Soedarsono. (*)

Author: Tristania Faisa Adam

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh