UNAIR NEWS – The Foot and Mouth Disease (PMK) outbreak in livestock in 178 regencies and cities in Indonesia has affected livestock prices ahead of Eid al-Adha 1443 H. In this regard, Universitas Airlangga Economics lecturer Dr Rossanto Dwi Handoyo SE MSi PhD explained some reasons.
Rossanto explained that the current price of livestock is divided into two. For areas with an indication of PMK outbreak, the price will reduce. Meanwhile, for areas that are not indicated to be affected by PMK outbreak, the price of livestock will get higher.
According to Rossanto, people tend to avoid buying cows in areas affected by the PMK outbreak. Of course, this affects the supply and demand of livestock in an area and the market price.
Furthermore, Rossanto also explained that the price of livestock ahead of Eid al-Adha 1443 H, especially from the previous two weeks, has been predicted to increase. Apart from increasing demand, breeders will also try to sell their cows affected by PMK outbreak because there are no evidences of PMK transmission from animals to humans as long as the meat is cooked properly.

“They (breeders, ed) will continue to sell it (cows affected by the PMK outbreak, ed) not through formal institutions, for example, RPH (abattoirs, ed) because the cows that enter RPH have to be standardized, must get a health stamp from the animal quarantine center, the local office,” explained Rossanto, Wednesday, June 22, 2022.
Government mitigation
The normal prices will be achieved if the government implements optimal mitigation. Moreover, at this time, Indonesia’s status as a PMK-free country has been revoked.
“The government must be able to provide vaccinations as a massive mitigation effort to overcome this (PMK outbreak, ed). Because if they don’t, the spread will get bigger, and of course, it will be detrimental to breeders and the community as consumers,” explained Rossanto.
Rossanto also suggested some possible solutions to control livestock prices. One of them is by importing.
“Imports are one of the solutions to maintain our food security because this meat issue also contributes to inflation so that it can spread to other sectors,” he explained.
In addition, the government can also carry out an industrial revolution in livestock so that the PMK outbreak can be controlled properly. (*)
Author: Tristania Faisa Adam
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh