UNAIR NEWS – Suara Muslim Radio Network has collaborated with Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) once again in a public talk show entitled “2023 Economic Optimism for People’s Welfare” on Friday, January 20, 2023. Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco SE MBA PhD, the director of UNAIR Postgraduate School and professor of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), was the guest speaker.
As a developing country, Indonesia is predicted to be greatly affected by the global economy, with inflation, recession, and a debt crisis. In this regard, Prof Badri said that a country’s economic strength depends on domestic contributions.
He said that the nation’s basic capital lies not only in natural or human resources but also in psychological capital, including ‘HERO’, which stands for hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism. The capital sparked by Luthans must be applied in the organization at the lower and state levels.
“Basic psychological capital should be possessed by the nation concerning predictions that may be somewhat negative or too positive. I think this HERO is strong enough as a buffer to keep us moving in a more advanced direction to achieve our collective ambition of becoming a developed country by 2045,” said Prof. Badri.
He also said that indicators of developed countries are measured by gross domestic product as a source of national income. It is a challenge for Indonesia, which imports a lot from other countries.
Role of state and society
UNAIR FEB Management Department lecturer supports changes toward knowledge and service-based economic structures so they can improve added value. On the other hand, it also builds awareness, interest, and community participation in all economic activities.
“Business is an activity of making, buying, selling, and supplying goods or services. So, the making part is what I think a big challenge for us because most of us are complacent as just buying-selling or supplying which actually has low added value, such as nickel and copper raw materials,” said Prof. Badri.
In the end, four roles can be played by the state or company in the effort towards re-industrialization. According to Prof. Badri, this role includes increasing invention, prototyping, and production techniques, incremental innovation, and assembly.
Author: Sela Septi Dwi Arista
Editor: Nuri Hermawan