UNAIR NEWS – The debate surrounding employment age limits has become a prominent topic on the internet, particularly with numerous job openings specifying a maximum age of 25 years for applicants. Netizens have voiced concerns, considering this age restriction discriminatory. Is this really the case?
Responding to the case, Gitadi Tegas Supramudyo, an expert in Public Policy at Airlangga (UNAIR), has spoken out. According to him, the age restriction in the workforce is an affirmative policy and is acceptable. “If we look at it through a positive perspective, this policy is fine. Especially, to accommodate varied needs in this current era,” he told UNAIR NEWS on Monday, January 22, 2024.
Youth era
Gitadi went on to clarify that the age limit regulation is a way of creating possibilities for the younger generation. This is especially true in Indonesia, where the productive age group outnumbers the non-productive. “We can see that this is part of the demographic bonus, where there are more people in the productive age, and hence, we need to accommodate them,” he said.
The lecturer believed that in the era of digitalization, there’s a significant opportunity and potential for the younger generation. Today’s youth are more technologically savvy, equipping them with skills that align with the demands of modern times.
Gitadi sees the reduction in the maximum working age limit as an effort to face the challenges of the times. “The lowering of the age limit can be seen as progress in addressing the challenges of the era. I see this as a chance to rectify the distortion in employment opportunities caused by the extensive appointment of honorary workers,” he explained.
Independent and credible system needed
Gitadi assesses that the age policy is fundamentally affirmative and worthy of consideration. Therefore, the authorities should be open to determining the considerations that underlie the emergence of the policy. “I think the considerations behind the policy should also include arguments explaining why there is a limitation,” he stated.
For the age limit policy to be effectively implemented, Gitadi suggests the need for an ideal system. Many job recruitment systems have issues with age limitations. “Several cases of recruitment are under suspicion of being problematic, potentially because they lack the participation of a credible team or institution,” he remarked.
Ideally, an unbiased and credible team should be included in all job recruitment, particularly for government positions. This is to ensure that the recruitment process is fair and devoid of biases like bribery. “In my perspective, this is a solution to make the recruitment process more equitable and inclusive for participants. This would erase any questions and accusations of impropriety in the appointment process,” he concluded.
Author: Yulia Rohmawati
Editor: Feri Fenoria
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