Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Faculty of Dental Medicine’s health education carnival breaks MURI record

The Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga just broke the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI) for the Carnival they held on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
The Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga just broke the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI) for the Carnival they held on Sunday, December 17, 2023.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga just broke the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI) for the Carnival they held on Sunday, December 17, 2023. The event was held to commemorate the 95th Anniversary and the 19th Lustrum of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the campus.

The Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Prof. Dr. Muhammad Luthfi stated that the Untuk Senyum Indonesia Sehat Carnival is a part of the 19th Lustrum celebration that was held from December 16 to 17, 2023.

This year, the five-year event was organized concurrently with the 95th Anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, making it the oldest dental medicine school in Indonesia.

“The lustrum not only celebrates the 95th anniversary but also serves as a moment to strengthen solidarity and a collective spirit in creating a healthier Indonesia,” Prof. Luthfi said.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine successfully broke the world record for the carnival using dental medicine attributes and involving the most participants from the academic community of the faculty.

Although more than 1,500 alumni attended the carnival, only 1,252 participants were officially recorded. The number ticking the MURI’s condition of having more than 1,000 participants.

Prof. Sindy Cornelia Nelwan, as the Chairperson of the 19th Lustrum (2021) stated that the event was a part of the grand reunion of the Lustrum celebration. The STOVIT march “Satu Tujuan, Visi Terdepan” which translates to “One Goal, Leading Vision” was introduced in the event. She also hoped to strengthen the bond between the alumni.

“The record-breaking event marks our solidarity and spirit to make innovations in the field of dental medicine in Indonesia,” she said.

Author: Rosali Elvira Nurdiansyarani

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia