Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Faculty of Medicine breaks four MURI Records

Awarding ceremony of four MURI records to Faculty of UNAIR Medicine. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Another proudest achievement was made by Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). This time, the Indonesian-World Record Museum (MURI) awarded four MURI records at once to FK UNAIR. The records are for University with Most COVID-19 Vaccination Services by Students, University with Most Webinar Series Amid Pandemic, the First Minimally Invasive Cranial Keyhole Surgery for Brain Aneurysm and the First Direct Stem Cell Transplant Surgery to Brain in a stroke case.

The awarding of the MURI Record Charter was held in Faculty of Medicine Hall on Thursday, June 2, 2022. On that occasion, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso dr. Sp. OG (K), in his speech, said that this appreciation is a result of the program that has been carried out by FK UNAIR. It did not seek to break records. Prof. Budi expected FK UNAIR to continue to inspire through its works.

“The process of education and healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic encountered extraordinary obstacles, and the medical education process was no exception. Fortunately, teleconference technology can provide the solution. The Airlangga Webinar Conference Series (AWCS) has proven that the medical education process can still be carried out, and I believe that even though the COVID-19 pandemic is over, AWCS will continue, “said Prof. Budi.

Furthermore, Prof. Budi said that the synergy of FK UNAIR students and related parties in the COVID-19 vaccination program had helped the government a lot. It is recorded that FK UNAIR has given more than 80,000 doses of vaccine.

Prof. Budi also congratulated Dr dr Asra Al Fauzi SE MM SpBS (K) FICS IFAANS for his achievements in the first minimally invasive cranial keyhole surgery for brain aneurysm and the first direct stem cell transplant surgery to the brain in the case of strokes.

“We as an educational institution will continue to carry out the Higher Education Tri Dharma, the best education, the best research, and the best community service. Next, let the community judge because we believe that the best human beings are those who provide benefits to others,” concluded Prof. Budi.

Meanwhile, MURI representative Awan Rahargo said that this award was a form of appreciation because FK UNAIR had become an outstanding example for Indonesia and the world. “This moment is very special because there are not one but four achievements of MURI Records,” explained Awan.

Awan, as Deputy Director of Operations at MURI, also apologized because Mr. Jaya Suprana, the Founder of the Indonesian Record Museum, could not attend in person due to health conditions.

“I hereby congratulate FK UNAIR for getting MURI records in four categories,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan